Movies that were much better than i expected

Haven’t looked at movielens lately…got a huge backlog in terms of films it already recommended to me…

I wouldn’t have watched Aniara or Dogville based on Movielens so only a gain for me so far.

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well i’m just warning you that half the time for me the difference between movie i like and the movie i don’t like is whether or not i think the chick is hot …

that’s more or less how i decide what to watch LOL

An honest man… :+1:


That’s the word I would use to describe Unsane.

EDIT: @Dissident moved the body of the post here:

Unsane ( 2018 )

Overall, intense.

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ah yes a movie that not only deals with my favorite subjects but also the girl has AMAZING TITS and is doing a really bad job of keeping them covered up ! the cameraman never fails to frame her nipples perfectly !

i was expecting a boring movie that would make me wish it was over already instead i found myself jerking off and wishing the movie was longer.

do not watch this movie with your family members.

Lie With Me ( 2005 )

thank you MovieLens !

just 5.2 out of 10 on IMDB but MovieLens predicted 3.8 out of 5 for me …

it’s actually a 5 star movie for me and my new benchmark for an erotic movie …

you must understand, however, that erotic movies are subjective … i was actually supposed to watch another erotic movie that night but after scrolling through it i realized it wasn’t going to do it for me that night, then i started scrolling through “Lie With Me” and i didn’t get very far into it before realizing i was already getting a boner … so i knew right away that was the movie to watch !

the girl was hot obviously but i’m not exaggerating that the film isn’t about her looks. it’s literally about the relationship and is carried by her acting rather than looks.

in the entire movie i was never once not convinced by her acting. whether she was acting drunk or stoned, passionate or emotionless, having an orgasm or a fit / tantrum - it all looked real. i have never seen this level of acting in an erotic movie.

and it is an erotic movie. you feel the passion of the characters. and you get to look at their skin A LOT including the cocks, which for some reason never seem erect though … maybe that’s where they draw the line between erotica and porn.

the movie is so well made you could watch it with a girl and not get accused of watching pornography simply due to how believable the characters are, even if the plot is basically non-existent and typical of erotic movies and even if half the screen time is occupied by somebody’s skin.

i will be lowering the ratings of other erotic and wannabe-erotic movies on MovieLens because none of them come close to “Lie With Me” and i previously gave some of them pretty high ratings because i wanted to get more erotic recommendations.

i will be altogether deleting my review of “Live Nude Girls” because it has now in comparison dropped in my eyes below the threshold of being worthy of a review whereas it had 3.5 stars from me just yesterday, which was a full star more than the 2.5 stars i gave to Top Gun Maverick …

It’s that good?!
I’ll try to watch it soon.

like i said it’s an erotic movie. whether you’re in it or not is entirely up to the viewer. start watching and you will know if you’re in it or not pretty quickly.

with regular movies you don’t know if it was good or not until the very last minute when everything is revealed and you realize either the 2 hours were all worth it or it was a giant ripoff.

but with erotic movies you know if it’s good or not ( for you subjectively ) from basically the beginning, because it’s not about the plot but whether the characters do it for you or not.

in case of “Lie with me” you will need literally the first 5 minutes of the movie and you will know whether to watch it or not. if you’re not hooked in 5 minutes - don’t watch it.

i read somewhere once that it takes a man something like one second after seeing a woman to know if he wants her or not. it could very well be.

in future erotic movie reviews instead of giving them star ratings i will probably just say how many minutes of it you need to watch to know whether to keep watching or not as some may start off slower than others. but “Lie with Me” is quick off the blocks ! the very first shot of the film is the lips and open mouth of the female protagonist masturbating to porn topless. 5 minutes from that and you will know if it’s for you.

i will add that it starts out in a slightly more vulgar fashion and ends in a more sentimental romantic fashion because the director is trying to help you decide whether the movie is for you or not as quickly as possible. it would be pretty bad if you started watching a romantic movie with your family that turned into a porno halfway through, but when it’s the other way it’s not as bad.

typically with movies like this i quickly fast forward through about half of the movie to see if i will like it but in this case you don’t need to do that - just watch the first 5 minutes WITHOUT fast forwarding.

this is key - do NOT fast forward. watch the first 5 minutes and 30 seconds ( including opening credits before the first shot ) or 5 minutes flat starting from the opening shot.

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Pretty Baby ( 1978 )

5 stars. Exceeded all expectations.

best i can explain this movie is it’s “Lolita” ( 1997 )

and “House of Tolerance” ( 2011 )

in one movie …

except it precedes those movies by decades and is completely it’s own thing

the movie is less sensationalist than “Lolita” or “Tirza” ( 2010 )

but despite trying to be light hearted bordering on comedy in the end it is equally soul crushing …

by the end of the movie i had completely forgotten that 12 year old Brooke Shields was completely nude in multiple scenes because honestly that isn’t the disturbing part - the disturbing part is just the sheer nihilism of the world painted by the film …

in that sense it is almost like Aniara ( 2018 )

in fact i can definitely see similarity between these films …

needless to say i recommend “pretty baby” …

a more descriptive title would have been “absolute soul crushing horror masquerading as child porn masquerading as a comedy” …

i already feel bad for making @marlon watch it LOL

You already converted me from regular films with Tirza and Dogville.
Damn you! :grin:
I’ll definitely find the time for Pretty Baby.

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apparently the laws were different back then, from a Fox News article:

Brooke Shields is no stranger to controversy.

At just 11 months old, she starred in a soap advert and her career quickly blossomed as a child star. But at age 11, she famously played a child prostitute in 1978’s “Pretty Baby” where she was filmed naked. In the movie, Shields’ character grows up in a brothel and is auctioned off to the highest bidder.

Previously as a 10-year-old, her mother Teri Shields, who also served as the star’s manager, commissioned photographer Gary Gross to shoot nude pics of Shields for the Playboy publication Sugar’n’Spice.

“I just don’t know if you could make that movie today,” Shields explained. "I guess you’d have to have an actress who was older, playing younger. I’m not quite sure what the rules are now.

good times …

what a great movie LOL

not what i expected at all

The Experiment ( 2010 )

i assumed the original German version, which i haven’t watched:

would be good and the American rip-off, which is actually what i watched:

would suck …

but it didn’t.

i find what usually happens in cases like this is people judge the remake harshly by comparing it to the original …

but i didn’t compare it to the original.

on its own the movie is quite good.

i dare say it doesn’t even feel like a hollywood movie despite having some real hollywood actors.

it really has that low budget indie foreign film vibe to it somehow in a good way …

i don’t know how close the plot is to the actual Stanford Experiment which inspired both movies ( the German and the Hollywood one ) but i suppose you can watch the movie and let me know !

The Believer ( 2001 )

5 stars

young Ryan Gosling plays me !

no not you. ME.

it is an indie film and extremely under-rated.

this is one of those movies where they tell you the truth to your face because they know you’re too fucking stupid to understand it anyway.

100% recommended without any reservations or qualifications.

if you don’t like it you’re just dumb.