this film is so far out there that i’m not going to give it a star rating …
this is an erotic drama in which the titular character ( Lolita ) was ( brilliantly ) played by a 15 year old actress … ( the character she plays is 14 in the film and 12 in the book )
yes there is sex and nudity involving Lolita …
say what ?
well apparently they used body doubles and other tricks to keep it legal but even so the movie failed catastrophically at the box office not because nobody wanted to see it but because theaters refused to show it …
now i don’t want this to be a debate on whether it was OK or not to even make a film like this because that would be like arguing whether abortions should be legal - i am not interested in low brow debates like that …
if we look past all that and rather focus on what actually happens to the characters in the film it is quite complex … the Professor who falls in love with Lolita is about as conflicted as characters get … but Lolita herself is conflicted too … and the ending is … odd
i will leave it up to you to decide whether to see this movie or not. it’s really just a question of whether you have the stomach for the subject matter. the execution is very good and pushes to the very limit of legality and past the limit of what is socially acceptable to put on the screen as evidenced by theaters refusing to show it.
i would advise against watching this movie with your family though or it could get pretty awkward … you know, the whole marrying a woman you find revolting to fuck her 14 year old daughter part …