Fuck Cars Twitter Account

they aren’t even hiding it anymore:

He literally point blank admitted that the goal of city planning is to make driving as inefficient as possible.

All this time city planners were yapping about how it’s about giving people options and improving safety for pedestrians blah blah blah and naive individuals like @kanyewest were falling for all those lies …

but i kept teaching you what it was really about …

i told you that city planning is about just two things:

1 - making life a living hell for car owners
2 - packing people like sardines first into closet size apartments, and ultimately into sleep pods

everything else is a PSYOP. city planners don’t give a shit about pedestrian safety. city planners don’t give a shit about reducing traffic. city planners don’t give a shit about making anyone’s lives better PERIOD.

and the day after i say it he comes out and point blank admits it.

you remember when these liars were talking about “induced demand” and that the reason they don’t add lanes to roads is because that wouldn’t help with traffic ?

if you are @kanyewest you probably fell for that PSYOP

but now they admit that really traffic is actually THE GOAL. it is a feature, not a bug. which is something i have been saying for over a decade.

they don’t close roads to cars to make things easier for cyclists - but to make them more torturous for car drivers.

please @kanyewest enlighten me - how does forcing cars to drive twice the distance thus creating double the traffic, double the potential for running over pedestrians, not to mention double the emissions make the world a better place ?

the answer is it’s not about making the world a better place. it’s about forcing car drivers to give up. it’s about forcing middle class to accept 3rd world living standards. and ultimately it’s about returning most of humanity to stone age ( except the Elites themselves, of course ).

the system ( Klaus Scwab, WEF etc ) is beating you into submission under the pretext of helping you.

realize that whenever the system crushes the common man it is ALWAYS under pretext of trying to help the poor, help the children and so on. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS. and it is always a lie.

please @kanyewest wake up LOL

they are also now transitioning from talking about “car independence” to talking about “car free” cities

this is the same language as “child free” which is another trend they promote

they think you’re literally so stupid they can replace “less” with “free” and you will automatically support having things taken away from you

and they are right ! most of you ARE that stupid !

i’m sorry.

You seem to be poorly educated on how land use policy functions. Urban cores are the financial powerhouse of cities. Generally urban cores are the only part of a city that generates net profits for the city (they generate more property taxes than they cost the city to maintain). If you want your city to be financially solvent and you want to help your city prosper, you need to ensure that land use policies in your urban core facilitate wealth generation. The best way to gut your city of it’s financial prosperity is to institute policies that reduce the % of land dedicated to high wealth generating structures. Examples of structures that are financial deadweights for cities are are parking lots, large multi-lane stroads and highways.

So yes, making driving through urban cores easy = incentivizing financially insolvent land use types. Purely on financial grounds this is a bad idea as you incentivize land use that requires a higher baseline level of taxes to keep functioning. Look at all the cities that declared bankruptcy in the USA in the last 50 years. Basically all of their bankruptcy were caused or exacerbated by decades of incentivizing car-dependent land use which puts a massive financial strain on cities, and puts them in very precarious positions when faced with even the most minor stressor. Imagine if Detroit had the same land use approach to Paris. Detroit would have had a WAY easier time weathering the offshoring of it’s manufacturing, and it’s subsequent decline in tax revenue. Detroit declared bankruptcy because it had 0 capacity to pay for the massive sprawling infrastructure it had created. It’s way easier to finance the infrastructure needs of a dense city given that its infrastructure costs are massively reduced per capita.

i told you that city planning is about just two things:

1 - making life a living hell for car owners
2 - packing people like sardines first into closet size apartments, and ultimately into sleep pods

true, current american city planning makes driving hell for car owners by massively inducing demand for cars. It creates large amounts of congestion on roads, making it unpleasant for car drivers. Countries that induce demand for alternative forms of transportation produce cities with the lowest road congestion ratings in the world. And yes packing people like sardines in their little cookie cutter suburban pods and forcing them to travel in depreciating rolling pods is quite a travesty. Imagine being forced by city planners to live in cookie cutter pods, and only being given the option to travel in a rolling pod that is responsible for killing 40k americans every year. Then imagine calling that freedom. Wow seems like you are enthusiastically slurping up the globalist cool aid. Have fun eating the bug food in your drive through establishments, and living in your sterile and lifeless suburban pods.

Quick Throwback to the first post in this thread where FuckCars tried to convince us that Suburbs look like Minimum Security Prisons

in case you wondered, this is where they are taught to believe this:

imagine having your brain put on ass backwards like that …

this is the type of architecture they are replacing your " minimum security prison " suburban home with …

just add sleep pods …

this building looks like some kind of chemical / nuclear waste silo on an asteroid in some Sci-Fi dystopia …

It must be depressing to work in that thing.

to be honest i actually like buildings like this, which look like they are on Mars somewhere.

i just think it’s laughable that people who come from the culture that creates these monstrosities are trying to paint suburbia as a hellscape.

i am once again forced to remind you how smart i am.

you are accustomed to duping mid-wits with tricks like this but that shit doesn’t work on me.

this is like saying that a stomach is the only organ in the body that provides nutrition and other parts of the body like legs are just dead weight and should be amputated.

reality is that a metropolitan area is ONE UNIT. in fact even city planners understand that. the point of zoning is PRECISELY to prevent what you’re describing as desirable from happening.

you have correctly pointed out that some structures such as office buildings make money while others such as gas stations lose money. this is because a gas station takes up as much space as a 50 story office building but instead of servicing 10,000 people at the same time it can service maybe 10 people at the same time. this is why actually Manhattan has lost basically ALL gas stations. last time i checked they had 12 gas stations left for something like 5 million people, or about one gas station per half a million people in Manhattan. Land is simply too expensive to build gas stations on in Manhattan.

but without gas stations the Taxis are forced to travel to New Jersey to fill up a tank, and in doing so go through a tunnel which is completely clogged by traffic, where people are stuck for half an hour each way breathing concentrated exhaust.

the ENTIRE POINT of ZONING is to prevent things like this by recognizing that profits alone should not determine land use.

i could say more …

you mean that eliminating all parking spots reduces traffic. why yes obviously if you are unable to drive that will reduce road congestion. and if you gouge out people’s eyes it will reduce television shortages.

nobody is forcing me to drive a car. i lived in NYC for 20 years and commuted using Subway. i had a car but didn’t use it because there was nowhere to park it in downtown unless you were willing to pay $500 / month for parking, which is enough $ to lease a brand new Mercedes. all of my friends were the same - they had cars, worked or studied in Manhattan, but never drove there due to parking situation.

most of us got fed up by this and moved out of NYC to some place where you can actually USE the car that you already own.

i never knew anybody who was FORCED to use a car. everybody i know is FORCED to use public transit. people drive cars for PLEASURE.

have you ever heard the term " Joy Ride " ? nobody ever talks about Joy Ride on the bus or subway.

and only gay people talk about enjoying their bicycles:

Freddie Mercury didn’t die because he was run over by an SUV while riding his bicycle

he died of AIDS because he was gay

i can accept that a car is a pod.

but i would rather sleep in a pod as a slave than on the street as a homeless person.

and likewise i would rather drive in a pod than be on the street as a pedestrian.

you have correctly pointed out that some structures such as office buildings make money while others such as gas stations lose money. this is because a gas station takes up as much space as a 50 story office building but instead of servicing 10,000 people at the same time it can service maybe 10 people at the same time. this is why actually Manhattan has lost basically ALL gas stations. last time i checked they had 12 gas stations left for something like 5 million people, or about one gas station per half a million people in Manhattan. Land is simply too expensive to build gas stations on in Manhattan.

You are so close to getting it, but your IQ is too low to interpret the data intelligently. You correctly identity that car-dependent land uses are financial graveyards for cities, but instead of advocating for better land uses, you double down by saying that zoning should be used to make cities less wealthy and prosperous… lmao…

btw lots of NYC taxis don’t go to New Jersey to get gas… they have gas pumps at their depots, there’s also a bunch of private vendors in manhattan.

the ENTIRE POINT of ZONING is to prevent things like this by recognizing that profits alone should not determine land use.

lol…The point of zoning from a historical perspective was to protect the public from the harmful effects of living too close to polluting industrial activity. It’s not about making sure land uses aren’t profitable… how dumb are you?.. if modern zoning was consistent with its original intent, we would ban most car-dependent land uses given how dangerous they are to the public.

this isn’t Twitter where you can talk shit about Elon and face no consequences.

you are permanently suspended.

bye bye.

not as nice as it would be if people like you simply left America and moved to the Netherlands

you Shit-Libs keep promising you will leave the country


if US was turned into Netherlands it would look like this …

you’re driving home from work minding your own business, enjoying the ride … suddenly the road turns into a canal and your car turns into a bus filled with migrants from the Middle East … you go home but your house turns into an apartment … you want to have some steak and eggs but your government closed down the farms to meet climate goals forcing farmers to commit suicides … you try to pay your electricity and heating bills but your government closed down the power plants to meet climate goals, blew up the Russian gas pipeline and used VAT to tax you into poverty …

then they used the money they forcibly took from you via VAT to build a useless canal but you now can’t afford a car anyway so you don’t need the road anymore …


and that’s just the stuff that ALREADY HAPPENED ( in Europe ) just wait till you see what’s coming !

spoiler alert: " you vill own nothing and you vill be happy ! " and also you vill " eat ze bugs "

Today my Frens i have a treat ! FuckCars has gone full retard and is now advocating burning people alive in order to promote bicycle use !

Of course, as always, he didn’t come up with the idea himself. Leftists are not physically capable of having ideas of their own - they can only repeat what they read somewhere else - they call this being “educated” and “smart” … ( Leftists don’t believe in IQ because IQ is racist )

Essentially FuckCars is lamenting the fact that in America for fire safety reasons buildings are required to have two staircases, such that if one is engulfed in a fire the other can be used to escape.

Of course to have two staircases you must also have a hallway connecting them. This hallway plus the extra staircase makes the building about 10% bigger ( according to FuckCars ) without adding any usable space.

These rules apply only to buildings taller than some threshold below which it is deemed not necessary because a fire truck can simply extend the ladder to your window and you can get out that way.

So what’s the problem ? The problem is that this makes taller buildings not cost effective compared to buildings that aren’t too tall for the fire truck’s ladder and thus don’t require the second staircase. This in turn means that American houses ON AVERAGE are not as tall as they would have been if fire safety regulations didn’t exist …

Shorter buildings mean lower overall urban density which in turn means more car centric planning that isn’t as pedestrian focused …

FuckCars solution ?


yes, that’s right !

He literally wants to burn people alive to promote bicycle use !

He wants people to live in DEATH TRAPS with literally no way to escape death in case of fire, because it might make more people choose a bicycle over a car.

Another argument that was made is that hallways block ventilation which is a problem due to … wait for it … CLIMATE CHANGE !

What - did you think you would be allowed to keep your high capacity assault air conditioner ? Keep dreaming … The future is NATURAL VENTILATION ! Already the Olympics in Brazil used natural ventilation which is why few records were broken as it was simply too hot for Athletes to perform.

Silly Americans ! Not only do they like to drive cars but they also like to use air conditioners and, get this, Americans are so fucking dumb they don’t want to die in a fire !

not to worry - City Planners are here to educate you …

for example one of the Shit-Libs over at FuckCars page has UNIRONICALLY told me that 50 feet isn’t too high to jump …

in other words he literally is saying that it is better to jump from the 5th floor window than to drive a car … why ? because driving cars causes obesity, which is bad for your health !


Here is a better idea: stop building so many goddam worthless buildings that are hardly or never used and we won’t have to install so many fire exits that will never be used.

but where will all the immigrants from Mexico, India, Africa and the Caribbean live ? :wink:

i’m afraid i will need @kanyewest to explain this one to us:

according to @kanyewest we are being offered more choices, being enabled to become less " car dependent "

i want him to explain to me how destroying roads is giving us more choices …

then again if you look at history of Communism … Communists never created anything. All they know how to do is Destroy. This is why Soros trucks pallets of bricks for ANTIFA to throw into glass storefronts because that’s all Commies are good for.

I never said we are being offered anything. I never once defended anything these people are doing. You took my ideas about urban development and drew parallels to WEF proposals and the ideas of climate nuts and decided without evidence that I am connected to them ane agree with everything they say. That’s why I barely engage with this nonsense anymore. You’re arguing with a strawman.

i’m not arguing.

i’m sowing seeds of doubt.

a “Chivalrous Gentleman” ( how Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson refers to himself ) is also a “White Knight” is also a Simp …

i’m subtly chipping away at your self confidence so that your self image can evolve from seeing yourself as a knight in shining armor defending chaste virgin planet earth from evil cars …

to seeing yourself as a cuck for Klaus Schwab and WEF …

what most people don’t realize is that their positions are emotional …

i’m not trying to win an argument - i am trying to make you feel disgusted with your own positions

a man may see his wife as an angel while everybody else sees her as a filthy whore …

a person can see his parents as his guardian angels while everybody else sees them as abusers …

this has nothing to do with logic. it’s all emotional.

which is why you don’t want to read these anymore, because you want to feel good about yourself …

but that’s also how they get you - they know you will choose feeling good about yourself over being rational …

the good news is you can accept the truth and feel good about yourself - but your identity will need to change.

you will not be the husband of your wife anymore or the son of your father - you will have to be your own person. you won’t feel good about being a good servant to parents, spouse, the planet etc - you will feel good about being free while everybody else is in chains.

you will bask in your own superiority and need nothing else.

of course my solution is this:

or do you think we should just use millions of tons of salt on the roads that ends up rusting out cars and poisoning the soil …

simply putting salt on the road anytime it snows is outrageous to me … i can’t believe we as a humanity can’t do better.