Fuck Cars Twitter Account

Glad i was able to help LOL

California like NY is simply old.

It isn’t only people and animals that age and die, but also corporations, empires and so on.

Florida and Texas are younger in terms of where they are on their development curve.

most parts of earth that have good weather are hell holes.

and parts that have crap weather like Iceland are some of the best places to live.

that’s because lowest form of humans are attracted to warm weather.

like cockroaches.

i ran into Kai at Bev Francis ( Long Island ) and also Coliseum ( Queens ). though i wasn’t training at any Brooklyn gyms anymore at that point.

the problem with Gyms is their quality is mainly a function of who trains there …

I used to think gyms are about equipment and whichever gym has the most weights is best … but it’s not hard to buy lots of weights for your gym - what is hard is to get high level clientele to join.

most people are unwilling to train far from home or work and since people in Brooklyn are low quality so are the gyms.

i’m sure it was better in the past. even in the late 90s when i came to US it was still decent in Brooklyn. but shit went downhill fast.

anybody in Brooklyn who wasn’t subhuman has moved out to Staten Island, Long Island, New Jersey or Florida. only off-the-boat immigrants remain.

my perspective changed slightly since then.

i still believe in cars but i believe that commute length should be kept short.

instead of 15 minute WEF city i want 15 mile PHEV city.

i should never have to drive more than about 15 miles.

that means a combination of remote work, mass transit and driving as a “hybrid” solution.

too-long car trips can be dehumanizing as well. if you have to spend hours in traffic at that point maybe it’s better to just fall asleep on the subway - just make sure you have nothing valuable on you.

What if the grocery store and gym were only a few blocks away?

i would drive simply to avoid having to say hello to people on the way.

and as long as i’m driving it makes no real difference if it’s a mile away or 5 miles away.

plus i actually take quite a lot of stuff with me to the gym - it takes up three lockers. i shower in the gym and then put on a fresh set of clothes, plus i carry water, shakes, towel, headphones … today i even took my own hair dryer even though the gym has them, but the ones they have suck.

and when shopping at Sam’s Club i fill up the trunk of the car completely. if there is any space left in the car i will buy spring water in 6-gallon packs and use up the remaining space.

yes i get water delivered but i don’t like the particular brand that gets delivered - it doesn’t taste right. i prefer the taste of Poland Spring from Sam’s Club but i can’t fit enough of it in the car so i have to supplement with delivered water.

as you may imagine if i had to walk or bike to the grocery store i would not be able to take much water at all.

i could have groceries delivered as i did during the “pandemic” but at that point it again doesn’t matter how far way the grocery is …

the point i’m getting to here is that this 15 minute city stuff only makes sense if you’re going to also make cars illegal.

and of course Klaus Schwab / WEF is open about wanting to ban private vehicle ownership.

and once cars are banned you will not really need to work very hard to convince people that it’s better to have stores on the corner than 5 miles away.

knowing the agenda, who is behind it, and what else they want will bring a surprising amount of clarity to your thinking :wink:

The concept of a city where people can walk around and perform daily activities without the need for an expensive machine to travel long distance is not a part of some agenda hatched by the WEF. It is as old as cities themselves.

Also, just because you have the same idea as someone else does not mean you got the idea from them. This WEF propoganda about 15 minute cities and walkable city memes is only a few years old. I have been going on about this my whole life.

It’s just one of those things that’s obvious once you understand it.

Klaus Schwab and I both want to live in a future with significantly fewer cars. This won’t have the effect you think it will have. It doesn’t mean that people won’t be able to own cars or won’t be able to use them when they like. It simply means that cars will be unnecessary for most of the things we do and owning one will be a burden that most people don’t want to bear because a car does nothing for them.

It’s not about making car ownership any more of a burden than it is right now. Car ownership already is a burden that basically everyone chooses to bear because it is the only way to participate in society like I have explained many times. It’s about making urban life significantly more efficient with respect to other forms of travel so that people don’t have to own a vehicle if they don’t want to. Right now people don’t have a choice. When car ownership isn’t a necessity many people will not choose to own one and there will be fewer cars. It’s not a conspiracy to make them poor.

you are essentially saying the concept of not needing a car predates the car, which is literally impossible.

most ideas are older than we imagine. Klaus Schwab and WEF also did not invent these concepts. they too have borrowed them form some older source. perhaps you and Schwab both borrowed them from the same source.

In the VPRO interview Yuval Harari talks about how after rewatching a cartoon from his childhood he realized that a lot of what he thought were his own ideas that he wrote bestselling books about and thought were original … actually came from a cartoon he saw as a child.

all ideas are “obvious” to those who hold them. communism is obvious to communists. islam is obvious to muslims. reality is that i don’t need even 5% of my intelligence to understand any of these ideas, but that will not make them “obvious” to me because i reject them.

Believe me Klaus Schwab has no intention of sharing ANY future with you. You don’t own private jets and Klaus Schwab doesn’t shop for groceries.

you naivete is excruciating. aside from you disliking nonwhites pretty much all your other views are 100% blue pill, 100% conformist and exactly what the system teaches to children that go to school and retards who watch TV.

your noticing and analytical skills are also highly suspect. did you notice something called LOCKDOWNS taking place recently ? were these VOLUNTARY in your estimate ? did people choose to stay locked down because going outside was a BURDEN to them or were they FORED TO ?

did you not notice the lockdowns came from exactly the same people who are bringing you the 15 minute cities ?

but you think it will be voluntary …


from a certain perspective yes, car ownership is a burden.

but also from a certain perspective life is a burden. which is why WEF puppet Trudeau is offering Euthanasia in Canada. naive people like you believe this Euthanasia is voluntary … but interviews with the people choosing it show that the system has deliberately forced them to that “choice” by denying them health care …

this is how it works - you choose to transition from “greedy” private health care system to a “free” public health care system … that system then denies you care and forces you to “voluntarily” accept Euthanasia.

some people like me warn about things like this decades before they happen. others like you call us conspiracy theorists until it’s time for you to die …

whether a car or life is a burden is really all a matter of perspective …

a car is a burden in NYC and a life is a burden in Canada …

what people “choose” is also a matter of perspective …

that said nobody is forced to own a car. we didn’t have any bike lanes in Kiev, vast majority of people didn’t have cars and were fine.

Kiev was a real city though, like New York City or San Francisco. Houston is simply not a city - it’s a metro area.

in a real city you don’t need a car and you also don’t need bike lanes. did you have bike lanes in the city you grew up in ? no you did not. and you were fine.

the purpose of bike lanes is not to enable car free life, which is already possible thanks to mass transit that ALL REAL CITIES ALREADY HAVE.

the purpose of bike lanes is to destroy street parking for cars, thus making car ownership impossible.

this is not about enabling car free life - it’s about destroying car ownership.

i literally fucking told you that Klaus Schwab openly calls for BAN on private vehicle ownership and you simply keep repeating like a zombie that it’s a conspiracy theory.

no it’s a conspiracy FACT.


you have a choice of moving to any number of cities that are ALREADY built the way you want, such as NYC or San Francisco. yet you do not want to move there because they are hell holes.

you are like those fucking retarded anti-racists who bitch and moan about “unbearable whiteness” ( burden of cars ) yet not ONE of them will move to Africa to escape this systemic racism they keep bitching about.

they can’t seem to put 2 and 2 together that this “unbearable whiteness” is precisely what makes life worth living, nor are they able to notice that Niggers from Africa are migrating to racist white countries by the millions - running straight into this Systemic Racism.

likewise you seem to not be able to grasp how people are running from car free cities and towards the “burden” of cars in suburbia.

there is no hope for some people. they are attached to their ideas that make them feel clever and they refuse to see that all the evidence points IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION.

do you really think it is a COINCIDENCE that ALL black countries are FUCKOLES ? the anti-racist believes it is a pure coincidence and not destiny.

likewise YOU think that it is a pure coincidence that NONE of the MANY cities that are ALREADY car-independent ( NYC, SF and MANY others ) are all not to your liking …



90% of world population doesn’t own cars. you can choose to join that club anytime you wish. literally nobody is stopping you. you don’t have to live in Houston or LA. nobody is forcing you.

except it literally is and people from the inside are on record stating that’s exactly what it is.

you are 100% clueless. you have no idea whatsoever what is happening in the world. literally everything is designed to bring the 1st world down to the level of the 3rd world in order to reduce environmental impact and there are THOUSANDS of intellectuals working on various methods to bring this about.

from refusing to teach math because it’s racist to refusing to test students in the name of equality to telling high IQ people not to have kids while importing low IQ people - everything is designed to reduce people to such a socioeconomic level where they can’t afford cars and then to BAN cars altogether


I don’t know what the sinister master plan of the WEF is. I don’t care either. I don’t support the WEF and don’t argue from their authority. All I know is that good urban design reduces the need for cars and we should design cities in that way.

All this talk about redpills is cringey. Every time someone “takes the redpill” and goes down a rabbithole of conspiracy theories and that person overdoses on revelatory information and can’t process it. He goes into a delirious state where he thinks he is a part of some tiny intellectual elite who really understand what’s happening in the world and that everyone he sees is a stupid normie. Whether it be Alex Jones or Alt Right stuff the effect is the same. It’s easy to get sucked into this vortex and develop a view of the world that is littered with paranoia and falsehoods.

Yeah there is a lot of important information to be gleaned from these channels of thought. But you have to digest the information and turn it off every once in a while and come back to reality. Look at the world the way it is and listen and critically evaluate all interpretations. Don’t let you perception of reality be controlled by a narrow band of thought in the world of conspiracy theories and alt right content. When you stop being paranoid and form a more complete and complex picture of reality you can go back to those channels and start to pick things apart in a way that you wouldn’t be able to do before.

If you want to acquire godlike intelligence then it’s going to take a lot more than “redpills.” The process of acquiring real useful knowledge is long and circuitous.

glad you asked. the plan is: no cars, no single family homes, no families, no white people, no meat, no cash, no private property, all children are raped, all seniors euthanized.

technically this is not wrong … it’s just painfully banal … it’s what people of average intelligence are taught to think. believe me it isn’t hard to grasp this concept for a super intellectual like me.

instead my thinking simply goes much further than that, and is 100% aligned with the thinking of other elite intellectuals like Klaus Schwab.

namely efficient society isn’t about cars or bicycles - it is about DENSITY AND AUSTERITY.

pack people into pods like sardines and ban all private property. only allow what is essential.

you will own nothing and be happy. and you will eat ze bugs.

me and Klaus see eye to eye because we both look down on humans as cockroaches. neither of us identifies with the human race which is why we see everything the same way.

you, on other hand, identify with humans. which is why you need to be lied to and told fairy tales about how things will work. meanwhile i don’t need to ask Klaus what we’re going to do - i know what we’re going to do because intelligence is objective. efficiency is objective.

we need to minimize distances traveled and heat loss through surface insulation. the solution to both those problems is packing more people into same space.

my high-rise apartment building in Brooklyn had 200 apartments but only 20 parking spaces plus maybe about 50 more on the street. in other words there was at best maybe one car to 2 or 3 apartments. since there is no room in the city for everyone to have a car the city must work for people without cars. and since cars are no longer necessary - why allow them at all ?

the answer is of course only because there is no legal authority to ban them. however what we can do is make them a burden so people give them up on their own. towards that end NYC lowered speed limit to 25 mph and put speed cameras everywhere. in other cities they are closing streets to cars, converting parking to bike lanes and so on. if they can make car ownership miserable enough to get 3/4 of people give up on them voluntarily then they can ban the remaining 1/4 from owning cars and in a “democratic” society the vote of those who don’t have cars will outweigh the vote of those who do.

the 3/4 will vote to ban cars because they don’t want to be inconvenienced by having to look before crossing the street. they will not care that some people may need cars to survive due to medical conditions. those will simply get euthanized.

there is a guy in my pool who can’t walk or talk ( he can barely talk ) due to obesity, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and stroke - yet he still drives. he gets out of his SUV and straight into a wheelchair ( provided by the pool ) and he rolls up to the swimming pool and has therapy there.

well, as i said, in the future society ( or in Canada today ) he will simply be euthanized …

yes except i’m in the top 1% by IQ and i have been in the conspiracy scene for 15 years, so i’m literally above everybody.

there are squarely three types of conspiracy theories:

1 - true theories ( 911 was inside job, American soldiers fight for Israel in the Middle East )
2 - false theories plausible to low IQ retards ( Covid is caused by 5G wireless )
3 - fake theories promoted by the government ( aliens, flat earth )

beginners and low IQ retards judge voices based on whether they are " based " on " red pill " or whether they are on " our side " and so on …

but super-intellectuals like myself have different criteria - we look for cracks in the facade.

whereas the average conspiratard counts how many points they agree on with somebody i count how many points i DISagree on with somebody AND I ONLY COUNT TO ONE.

the second Alex Jones said that “hollywood is run by Arabs” he was done to me. it no longer mattered how many things he said that were true. many people say shit like " AJ wakes people up " yeah whatever RETARD. it’s not about huffing and puffing - it’s about being LEGIT and AJ is NOT legit.

on the other hand for example the late Alan Watt:

was legit. everything he said turned out to be true and things are still coming true that he talked about even now after he’s dead already.

George Orwell was legit. Aldous Huxley was legit.

I don’t care that 99% of conspiracy theorists are idiots, frauds, shills, grifters, FBI agents etc …

i don’t need to follow a million people. i need a dozen people who are legit.

and with my superior intelligence, knowledge and experience in this game i can separate the wheat from the chaff and then analyze the big picture and develop my own theories.

most of what you read on this site is my own theories because i’m at a point where my own GUESSES are the most reliable source of information on earth.

my GUESS at this point has close to 100% accuracy while Expert Opinion has close to 0% accuracy.

i don’t listen to anybody. i don’t listen to Alex Jones or David Icke or anybody at all. if anything they should listen to me but they don’t care about the truth - they are grifters.

no problem because this isn’t even hard. i already have everything figured out pretty much and don’t need anybody’s help.

this site is basically public service from me to the world. i let people come here and learn out of the goodness of my heart.

this ( Euthanizing old people ) was predicted in the “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley almost 100 years ago

and now it’s being implemented

“Brave New World” also predicted hyperpromiscuity and other things …

but you still think the elites have no plan … when they’re literally following to the dot what they said they would do 100 years ago … ( Huxley was brother of first director of UNESCO )

you will be asked to ride a bicycle and if you can’t you will be deemed a burden to yourself and Euthanized

you will cry like a bitch and be like " we should bring back those evil, clunky, unnecessary cars - i don’t want to die ! " and you will be told SORRY SUCKER BUT NO REFUNDS ! don’t be so selfish ! we can’t waste precious space on frivolities like parking ! you will have to ( voluntarily he he he ) give your life for the greater good of mankind …

just because you don’t understand something or because other people don’t understand anything doesn’t mean that i don’t know pretty much everything

Klaus Schwab doesn’t run the world.

i have the power to command the sun to rise in the morning.

my intelligence gives me that power. Schwab has it too.

my wiser followers seek to gain the same power by learning from me.

but there isn’t much hope for you in this regard. like an animal you can only believe something is real if you see it. you are unable to imagine something that you can’t see or touch. whereas i can recognize the pattern that the sun rises in the morning you can’t. you have to wait till the morning and see whether the sun rises for yourself. that’s fine. you also have some strange urge to tell me every day that i don’t really know whether the sun will really rise tomorrow and that it’s just a theory. that’s fucking annoying to be honest, but is also OK i suppose.

maybe you’re just more open minded than i am. maybe i am really putting too much faith into the whole sun rises in the morning theory - i mean, i don’t really KNOW that this is the case, in the end it’s just an idea i have picked up from others that seems plausible to me and happens to match the evidence pretty well. but it might still be wrong.

i’m afraid though that i’m not going to give up on that theory just because you keep telling me that it’s just a theory. the sun would have to actually not rise in the morning one day for me to accept your argument. i’m sorry. so far my theories have been working so …

no Klaus Schwab doesn’t run the world. he doesn’t need to. the world runs itself.

but it does so in such a way that it ends up doing whatever Klaus Schwab says.

because Klaus Schwab understands how the world runs, and so do i, but you do not.

great minds ( Me, Schwab ) think alike. you think different. LOL

people ( and animals ) who are on the same level understand each other without speaking. that’s how the world is run. because the people who run it are all the same and don’t even need to talk to each other to coordinate, but they do anyway just because they enjoy flying private jets to global conferences.

with some effort we can understand life forms that are lower than us.

but we can never understand life forms that are above us.

and understanding those below us is nasty - like stepping into dog shit - we typically hire scientists to study average humans because they are too disgusting for us to contemplate ourselves. we also have think tanks to devise strategies for how to control the grey human masses through brainwashing. this is how we get them to think that whatever we don’t wish them to have is either “impossible” ( wall with mexico ) or a “burden” ( children, cars etc ).

the reason the animals can’t rise up against us is because they refuse to even consider the possibility that they are animals. they refuse to consider that we have designed all their thoughts for them. even when we spell out to them exactly how we designed all their ideas and how we put them into their heads they still just say " no these are MY ideas ! "

that’s perfectly fine. we can’t all be intellectual elites. some must be cattle.

and you can’t just talk to a cow and teach it how to be a G_d.

all we can do is help young people reach their full potential, but their potential may be zero, or they may be too old to learn …

heh, in the movie i saw yesterday:

a pretty girl is trying to have sex with her black writing professor so she asks him if she has potential as a writer and he replies simply " no " …

well well what do we have here, this is a tweet in the last hour:

but @kanyewest has reliably informed me that he has invented the resistance to car dependence !

he totally wasn’t brainwashed into it while growing up !


I don’t even know what you’re trying to say here. I never claimed to have invented anything.

The parents were protesting because kids were getting hit by cars and killed because the intersection had no stop signs and drivers were blasting through without stopping or slowing down and hitting people who had no choice but to cross the treacherous roads to get to where they were going. I think that time it was more about stop signs, but the situation is 100x worse now and you can see how the real issue is that the city is designed 100% for cars and is a death trap for anything else.

this is called evolution.

only the strong survive.

from yesterday:

the following part:

Every business on this street went bankrupt after they banned the cars.

is sarcasm, ignore it …

instead this is a perfect illustration of a classic trick used by authoritarians - namely what is SEEN versus what is NOT SEEN

what is seen is how previously ugly street is suddenly more beautiful …

even if we ignore the enormous amount of money invested in the 14 years in between to make it so, such as completely repaving the street with decorative paver stones and updating the facades of many of the buildings … i can accept that the main reason the street looks cleaner is because all the cheap and ugly cars were removed from it …

but what is NOT SEEN ?

what is not seen is that these cars didn’t disappear. they simply moved to the next street, where cars now circle for hours looking for a parking spot …

but remember what i have taught you - creating misery for car owners is the entire and ONLY goal of city planning. the pictures posted only appear as celebration of beautification you see in them …

in reality the sadistic city planner is celebrating the suffering for the car owners that he has created that is occurring just outside the frame … the city planner is also enjoying laughing at your stupidity for not being able to understand his manipulation …

thanks to the traffic he has created on the adjacent streets now people will DIE unable to get to the hospital on time for example - does the city planner care ? the answer is if he was able to care about human life he wouldn’t be a city planner.

what matters is pretty pictures that appeal to low-IQ people on an emotional level.

oh look - people sitting in the middle of the street just doing nothing surrounded by cute pink animal statues - how cool ? i’m sure person trying to get to a hospital but stuck in traffic on the adjacent street, running out of time and dying will agree his or her death was a small price to pay for having these cute pink animal statues that are totally adorbs.

ah who am i kidding ! this picture is from Canada ! doctors don’t save people in Canada - they euthanize them.

it’s all part of the plan …

you see when health care is “free” the state benefits financially if you die …

not to mention environmental benefits of one less carbon footprint …

finally note that in the “before” picture there was no shortage of room for pedestrians. banning cars solved a problem that didn’t exist. unless by “problem” you mean lack of pink animal statutes in the middle of the street.

now you might think these city planners are retarded - but they know exactly what they’re doing.

they are implementing WEF ( World Economic Forum ) agenda … and WEF of course is a transhumanist organization that believes that people are animals and should literally be turned into fertilizer.

another one from 10 hours ago:

he’s basically saying Airplanes suck because you can board a train faster …

this is the same basic argument as cars are bad because bicycles don’t get stuck in traffic …

this is all well and good if you’re retarded and think traffic is a natural property of cars and TSA ( Transportation Security Administration ) is the natural property of Airplanes …

yet Traffic is artificially created by the very elites ( like WEF ) who pimp FuckCars in the first place … traffic is created by closing roads to cars, by dismantling existing roads to punish them for “racism” by converting lanes to bike lanes or bike parking, by refusing to build new roads ( most highways we have were built after WW2 ), by using laughably low speed limits like 20 mph, and so on …

if you think half a century ago we could build the interstate system, Golden Gate Bridge etc, but in 2020s we can’t build a fence with Mexico or solve the traffic issue you are an idiot my friend.

in fact we are currently spending millions of taxpayer money to DISMANTLE portions of the Mexico wall that was privately built and we’re spending billions to dismantle roads that already exist …

these problems ( border crisis and traffic ) are not organic - they are carefully engineered.

likewise TSA was created by the same Jewish elites who were behind 911 plane attacks, which were orchestrated by Netanyahu, Bush, Mossad and CIA primarily to justify restructuring the middle east for the benefit of Israel but also to frame the airlines …

they specifically chose airplanes to attack WTC because they wanted to punish the airlines … and they did so with TSA. who wants to wait in line just to have TSA agents feel your genitals or fry you with cancer causing X-Ray scanners ? Often multiple times because they are jerking off to seeing through girls’ clothes. Who wants to wait in line just to get cancer so some pervert can see through your clothes and jerk off ?

but TSA is not a property of Airplanes - it was imposed on airlines by Elites trying to destroy the airlines, with the express purpose of destroying them. The same elites who are behind FuckCars agenda.

then with the Covid “pandemic” they again went after the airlines by making air travel illegal to many countries. they also made driving cars illegal in Australia ( limited to 5 km radius during the pandemic ) despite the obvious fact that using mass transit transmits Covid but driving a car doesn’t …

it’s not rocket science - the elites hate cars and planes ( except their own private jets ) and do everything they can to increase the suffering of car owners and air travelers to break their will and cause them to give up.

this is why they stick their hands down your pants at the airport.

then they blame this suffering they themselves engineered on cars and airplanes, even while admitting that it is their goal to end air travel and private car ownership.

as the Polish saying goes " the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you "

the Jew in this case is WEF and Klaus Schwab, who of course is a Jew …