Urbanists are now on the Fediverse

here is an image from Poa.st which is a site for Hitler Loving teenagers who are into Anime and Video Games

most losers on Poa.st are too broke to even afford a new computer let alone a nice car so this is why they may find the idea of public transit appealing …

however nobody gets these ideas on their own. somebody from the WEF has put these ideas into their head. probably somebody like:

but that’s just the one i know. there must be others.

what you have to understand here is that the WEF is smart, and they use market segmentation - they have one way of peddling their agenda to Homosexuals, Trannies and Furries … another way of peddling the same agenda to “Trad” retards … and now yet another way to peddling the same exact agenda to Anime fans …

do not fall for it. don’t fall for the " i know that feel bro " mask that WEF wears to make you believe it’s one of you.

oh look a cute and based anime girl who hates goy slop thinks cars are bad ! let’s abolish minimum parking requirements and all ride a train with Niggers, Spics, Muzzies and other Shit-Skins who will outnumber us 10 to 1 on that train ! yes let’s all get raped and murdered on the subway or go to prison for life for defending ourselves ! the based anime girl can’t be wrong - i mean, just look how cute she is !

and you know she’s based because she’s against the Antichrist !

i shit you not when i tried to wake up the followers of Wrath of Gnon they said he’s a good guy because he is “against corruption” …

like somebody will actually tell you that they love corruption … JFC people are dumb as shit !

All of a sudden there are a lot of canned Christard memes going around. In 2016 it would’ve been laughed out of town. The Deep State is pushing religion really hard again for some reason. I’m guessing they know there is going to be a backlash against the radical left at some point, and they want to get in on the ground floor of that.

indeed there is massive backlash against feminism right now with all the e-Thots claiming they have “found Jesus” all of a sudden …

will be interesting to see how Team WEF handles this …

we know they control Christianity because for example The Pope recently said Jews don’t need to accept Jesus to go to Heaven …

so the Pope says Jesus is optional but e-Thots are all team Jesus now …

interesting times …

i guess they’re just going to say that Jesus wants us to eat the bugs or something …

according to the late Alan Watt ( not to be confused with Alan Watts ) the Elites have backed off their original push for promiscuity due to explosion of STDs but when they later figured out how to get a handle on STDs they renewed the push …

their push may be stumbling again however with Hoes beginning to realize they will all end up alone with wine and cats so they’re grabbing bibles … literally ALL the hoes are doing it now …

anyway as Jeff Bezos said you have to be uncompromising on your vision but flexible in your approach and that’s what we should expect from WEF …

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here is another example

the WEF is using your language to signal it’s one of you

to get you to give up the last of what little you still have

so you can own nothing and be happy