I actually have a thread specifically dedicated to farmland maps:
but i suppose i can accept that perhaps more than half of all land usable for farming is already being used …
If a bear shits in the woods and nobody is around to see it - did it happen ?
what is the point of beauty if nobody is going to see it ?
do you just stroll around in the middle of a forest that is 200 mile wide to appreciate the beauty of its nothingess ?
that totally doesn’t sound like propaganda lifted straight from movies like the Matrix, which by the way was directed by Trannies ( as pointed out by @RedPilledGod )
in other words i’m sure you’re not brainwashed by the Elites or anything …
you just concluded on your own that you must extinct yourself to make sure the Elites can inherit a pristine planet to fly their private jets over …
well according to Elite’s own experiments it is actually their 15 minute cities ( which you hold dear to your heart ) that will lead to collapse of our species:
as for ecological collapse and things like the bees going extinct i am sure that will happen … but not because of too much farming as Klaus Schwab wants you to believe … but rather because he is literally going to VAX THE FUCKING BEES and then after the crops fail be like " nobody could have foreseen this ! i guess now you will just have to EAT ZE BUGS ! "
and Shit-Libs will be like " well at least we forced half of the farmers to commit suicide by forcibly closing their farms for climate goals or this globodomor would have been worse ! "