Spirited Away [ 2001 ]

this is the Analysis for

my review is here:

i watched 5 hours worth of Analysis videos on YouTube and going to share the ones i thought were intelligent ( about an hour total between the four videos below combined ) …

IMO if you’re going to watch a classic like “Spirited Away” you may as well understand what it’s about …

some movies like “Stations of the Cross” ( 2014 ) are IMPOSSIBLE to find any analysis for but there is hours and hours of ( mostly shit ) analysis for “Spirited Away” on YouTube and i already did the hard work of sifting through ( most of ) it for you so you have no excuse …

NOTE: i decided to use square brackets around the year, for example [ 2001 ] for the analysis videos while normal brackets, for example ( 2001 ) for review videos - that way if two threads show up next to each other in “latest” they don’t look the same and besides the software won’t allow using the same title twice anyway … i’m not going to go through all the old reviews and edit their titles because that might bump them up but i did edit it for the ones that are currently at the top already and this should be the convention going forward …

so i kept watching analysis videos … until i have watched FIVE HOURS OF THEM

Nooo…why? Just watch and give your opinion.

I watched this movie in 2001…It’s a movie for children but it is lovely to look at…very wholesome film…don’t be consumed by greed…obey your parents…the enduring power of love…I remember those things.

But this is not your typical sappy Disney crap. There is a hero’s journey…and as I remember it…adults are children in bigger bodies…and the world of work sucks.

If you are into this, you can watch Howl’s Moving Castle. I think the same director is behind it.

what happened is there was a 50 minute video that promised to be detailed breakdown so i watched it … by the end of it i realized it was just part 1 of the series and only got through first 15 minutes of film …

it didn’t mention in the title that it was just part 1 …

so i watched part 2 … then part 3 and part 4 … at which point i have watched 3.5 hours of analysis but it only got through 2/3 of the film at this point and the series ENDED ! he said he will probably need 2 more parts ( parts 5 and 6 ) to finish the whole film but those aren’t done yet and he uploads one part every half a year or so ! ! !

talk about a ripoff ! ! !

in those 3.5 hours i did watch he had very little insight as well, but because of how much is going on in the cartoon and how easy it is to miss all the details i was willing to finish watching if parts 5 and 6 existed … but they don’t.

i fucking hate rejects who do “analysis” videos which are nothing but summary … but this reject took it to another level by taking 2 years to upload the first 4 parts and then not uploading the last 2 …

the reason they do this is because doing a summary is low effort and the longer the video the more ads YouTube can put in there … so with virtually no effort he will have 5 hours of worthless “analysis” and he’s getting about 60,000 views on average … stealing our lives and converting them into advertisement money …

he also reveals his day job is a school teacher so he knows a thing or two about wasting the lives of children …

because YouTube doesn’t allow you to block channels ( except from messaging you ) i am keeping a file where i rate all these “analysis” channels so i don’t end up wasting my time on them twice …

we live in a world where everybody is competing to waste your life when they are not busy lying to you or trying to kill you or make you infertile or give you cancer …

OK my opinion having watched “Princess Mononoke” and “Spirited Away” ( both from same studio and director / animator ) as well as having watched a bunch of Analysis videos is that this Miyazaki guy doesn’t have evil characters in his films …

even the “demons” in “Princess Mononoke” aren’t evil … even the capitalist pigs in “Princess Mononoke” and “Spirited Away” are not really “evil” …

his message is basically to work your way out of problems by exchanging favors and treating everybody with respect and so on …

he is basically trying to teach children life skills so that they don’t end up like Niggers who just beat anybody who looks at them the wrong way and then bitch and moan about rayciss cops …

this may be a good message to teach to children but it isn’t the truth.

there are some people like my father who are truly evil. and this isn’t my opinion but that of the shrink who saw me as well as both of my parents. the shrink was as clear as he could possibly be that there is no fixing my father and no way of co-existing with him.

my entire life my family kept telling me that my father turned this way because of the hard childhood he had at the orphanage … but after talking to the shrink i realized his parents sent him to the orphanage BECAUSE he was a sadist … his sisters stayed at home.

the shrink confirmed that my father is indeed a sadist and that he was that way since he was 5 years old.

Miyazaki films will not equip a child to deal with a situation like that … with having parents who aren’t just stupid and greedy and uncaring but ones that actually live to torture you …

the sad part is i think there are a lot of kids who have parents like my father … and we simply pretend like this isn’t the case …

same as how we pretend that our government isn’t a bunch of sociopathic child rapists …

ultimately my site is about my opinion but my opinion would be worthless unless i familiarized myself with the opinions of others first …

we have to stand on the shoulders of giants …

in MovieLens ( or in IMDB for that matter ) you can just click on the director and it will give you the list of his other works …

the idea is that with MovieLens you shouldn’t have to do this because it should do it for you …

but i gave both films somewhat low ratings ( around 3.5 to 4 ) on MovieLens because i want it to know i don’t want to see children’s films …

though i appreciate the art that went into making them and that’s why i don’t think the star rating system is adequate …

Damn straight…Miyazaki does not prepare you for that…but he does well in his own lane and he isn’t promoting Stephen King/Disney pedo stuff. And the craft of the films is excellent. They are worth watching for that alone.

As for movie analysis, I come from book reading so my instinct is to watch first, and then see if anything is out there in terms of movie analysis.
I find your analysis superior to the IMDB ones…
However, I haven’t watched the YouTube analysts, and they are probably superior to the IMDB analysts.

Basically, what Movielens does (movie recommendation) is the true reason to read movie reviewers: if you vibe with their takes then watch other movies they like and see what happens.

IOW, the shoulders of the giants I stand on are books.

there are some people like my father who are truly evil. and this isn’t my opinion but that of the shrink who saw me as well as both of my parents.

the sad part is i think there are a lot of kids who have parents like my father … and we simply pretend like this isn’t the case …

same as how we pretend that our government isn’t a bunch of sociopathic child rapists …

Your father missed his calling…gov’t.

You had it rough.

But just as we cling to our parents no matter how messed up they are, people cling to democracy, the system, the Democrats or the Republicans as their security blanket.

The elite, as sick as they are, are adults: people cling to them - not the other way around.

a little more complicated because 90% of people have no idea elites even exist …

they think if they hang the clowns in Washington DC they win …

but those clowns are just there for insider trading and child fucking and simply do whatever the real elites tell them to do …

and even if the people were to hang real elites they wouldn’t know what to do with power …

they were born slaves and spent their entire life as slaves and nobody ever showed them how to govern themselves - they will be like those Blacks who were freed from the South and went to Africa and founded Liberia A.K.A. hell on earth …

it takes a certain mentality to rule … normal people can never rule … sheep can never rule - only wolves.

the whining on GAB essentially can be summarized as “why are we being ruled by wolves who hate us” ?


anybody who really understands math and physics understands that everything is the way it is because that’s the only way it can possibly be …

the deterministic nature of the universe, math and physics extends also to human nature and social dynamics …

in other words to defeat a monster one must become a monster because water can’t flow upwards - those at the top must be monsters

and once at the top they will selectively breed sheep which is what they’re doing by breeding out white men …

the nightmare is only beginning …

There is a story of a slave owner who did just that: taught his slaves to be free. John McDonogh told his slaves that he bought/valued them at $100 each and said he intended to get 20% profit. So he had them work and whenever a slave earned $20 profit he would get one day off, to do with as he liked. If he earned 6 days ($120) he would be free.

He freed thousands of slaves doing this. Of course, other slave owners did not do likewise, and at his funeral, there were thousands of ex-slaves and very few slave owners.

In essence, he was undermining his fellow slave owners. I suppose the same is true for the elite: any McDonogh would be quickly ostracized and eliminated. As you say, wolves dominate and devour sheep and seek to always have sheep beneath them.

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Eh…? What do you mean? State of the world…or something else?

Steve Jobs spoke about this. He said that B men hire C men and C men hire D men and this leads to a “Bozo explosion” where everybody in the company is a worthless moron.

the solution was to have an A man at the top who hired people better than himself and so on creating a culture of excellence …

i don’t know whether that “solution” is realistic but the “bozo explosion” problem is real …

no i mean my life.

my pops was a long term strategist in his sadism just like our elites.

his goal was never just to hurt me but to steal my life from me.

he thought of everything a child would need to have a meaningful successful life and then made sure i got the opposite of all of those things …

my suffering is only just beginning …

free will is an illusion

reality is deterministic

that doesn’t mean that choices don’t have consequences

it means that you merely observe yourself making choices

you don’t actually make them - they were all made for you

if you were abused as a child you will “choose” a life that is hell

except it wasn’t you who made that choice …

we don’t get to choose how to feel about things …

the abuser will of course say you chose your suffering yourself …

and just about everybody else will back them up on this …

the world always sides with abusers - never with victims …

just look at what happened in World War 2 …

for example i often say how i don’t want to start a family … it’s true i don’t want to …

but was it really me who made that choice ? or was that choice made for me ?

the world always sides with abusers - never with victims …

Well…the abusers win. Everyone loves a winner.

Choices. Choices and options.

We have very few choices in life: school, work, marriage.
We have lots of options: the colour socks to wear, fast food or cooking, Uniball or Pilot pens…
And our genetics, upbringing and formative environment dictate our menu of choices.

If you had gone the family route, could you have broken the cycle of abuse?

by becoming the abuser myself ?

i’m breaking the cycle of abuse by not going the family route.

apparently sadists have the most empathy. that is to say nobody cares about your feelings more than a sadist does, who lives only to hurt your feelings ( as well as to hurt you in all other possible ways ).

if somebody really listens when you talk about your feelings you’re talking to a sadist and they’re listening to try and figure out a way to hurt you.

well unfortunately i’m autistic which means i don’t care about anybody’s feelings and hurting others does absolutely nothing for me.

most people look forward to having children to abuse but for me it would just be unpaid work.

Wha? Naw…that can’t be the only class of person that listens.

well the other type would be somebody who loves us but we instantly get rid of those because they are cringe and clingy …

sadists are impossible to get rid of though …

i had a sadist friend who was banned from my place but my other friends would run and open the door for him to let him in …

so i simply stopped having friends.