Soylent Green [ 1973 ]

“I stood in line the whole day and they gave me a quarter of a kilo”.
That’s the signature line…not “Soylent Green is people”.

Soylent Green: a documentary of the future.
No flying saucers…just broken plastic plates strewn on the roadside.

In our world, there is no (((Exchange))) waiting to report Soylent Green to the World Government …ah, no, the Council of Nations is what it’s called.

Millions overcrowded, rioting masses swept off the streets like refuse, and if a few get squashed…so what? There are so many…

Wait two years to get a hot girl as furniture in an apartment with electricity, fresh fruits and hot water…Only for the well-to-do!
Poor man falls in love and tells the furniture to grind under a new owner instead of suffering in poverty with him…
No star-crossed lovers here - wrong film.

We see Heston more tempted by a hot shower and a big bar of soap than the magnificent furniture. (Hollywood doesn’t cast women like that anymore :frowning_face: :sob:).

Speaking of heat…greenhouse effect in full swing…perpetual summer.

Animals gone.
Trees gone.
Manufacturing sucks…nothing works.

No jobs…UBI?
Water rationed and electricity rationed (got a full line of lead batteries waiting to be recharged…we all got to do our part…jump on that bicycle and ride, grandpa…get that light bulb on).

Life sucks for the common man in this Brave New World but you do get a nice death with privacy, a view and music of your choice. They make death appealing…and life suffering.

No escape, it seems…they say the farms are fortresses…but I suspect the countryside is open with the wealthy living on estates the size of small countries while the humans are penned in the cities.

A whole new food chain is at work.
The well-to-do in the cities see beef (which requires farming and scrub land, since good land is used for crops), and the poor eat each other as Soylent.
So there must be owners in the countryside getting stuff direct from the farms, while a few scraps make their way to the cities.

Another theme: being trapped. Thorn is trapped in his tiny apartment, too small for “furniture”. She suggests the countryside but he says it is all sectioned off. Thus, no hope. He doesn’t even try to get out of the city! (And he would have to be back in two days or lose his job).

You made a point that society likes to keep us needy and apologetic. That comes up in the furniture’s scene with the new owner. She tries to hide her desperation to keep her job, but a little leaks through - lying about her age - her submissiveness, fear, and willingness to go along with the gangbangs on Thursdays.

they are laughing at us …

Yes. They are.
Wouldn’t you?

If you had been raised as they had been raised - would you or I or anyone you know - would we be any different?

of course not - we would be the same.

humans are tribal. we divide everything into us and them.

“we” are “them” to “them” and vice versa.

True. But I am pointing a little further…
Some people would be asses whether rich or poor.
Some of us, even if raised in those circumstances, would be still be similar to what we are now.

Every tribe has its traitors (or to put it more nicely, its outliers).

wanting to exterminate humanity doesn’t make somebody an ass.

it is a very noble thing to do - in fact exterminating low-lives has pretty much always been the very definition of nobility.

if you don’t see humans as rats and cockroaches it simply means you have pink sunglasses on or you identify as one of them and like everybody else unable to see any flaw in yourself and by extension in the group of which you believe you are part of.

i’m not sure what “traitor” even means. does it mean a person who isn’t retarded ? how is a “traitor” different from a “heretic” or “infidel” ?

obviously i personally reject ALL groups and ALL teachings. i reject things which attempt to nullify me, such as morality, which dictates that i exist only for others and only for some greater purpose which is arbitrarily defined by somebody else.

what would i do if i was born a Rothschild ? i would probably be doing the same thing - debating.

but instead of debating you on whether the problem with Batman is that the action is bad or that there is Action in it in the first place or that it is a Batman movie to begin with …

i would be debating Bill Gates on whether we should exterminate Black or White people first …

it’s a little bit sad to exterminate the only good people on the planet while allowing the vermin to multiply but it’s probably necessary. the world needs balance. the Elites want to see the world as a pyramid with a foundation that is low, wide and dark and a tip that is high and Jewish.

the common man wants to see a CUBE made out of Europeans.

because the common man is delusional and believes in self-governance and nonsense like democracy and freedom, which the Elites taught you to believe in.

in actual reality of course the world is already a pyramid, but it’s a very ugly one. the Elites are just trying to straighten it out.

in fact perhaps what they want is something like the Eiffel tower, so it’s fairly slim in the middle. right now there is too much “fat” ( White People ) in there.

Not rats and cockroaches…sheep.
If we are rats and cockroaches, then the sooner we are eliminated the better…no survivors…IF being the keyword

I think sheep is a better description.
We are easily led, not bright, and have to be managed.

And no…I don’t believe in my perfection…I think my other responses prior to this have made that very clear unless I am misunderstanding you.

i’m not sure what “traitor” even means. does it mean a person who isn’t retarded ? how is a “traitor” different from a “heretic” or “infidel” ?

Traitor was the wrong word…non-conformist is better. No matter the group, there are always outliers, non-conformists, those who don’t quite fit.

the world is already a pyramid

Agreed; no problem with that.
I have never believed in democracy. And freedom is a very relative term.

I want to be led by shepherds - not malicious butchers.
Then again, you would say that now the butcher block is what is needed more than ever.

you’re getting there. give it time. LOL.

i mean that you identify with humanity and as such are unable to look at its flaws. it’s not that people are easily led. it’s that they are fundamentally soul-less. i could forgive any amount of stupidity if there was some intrinsic goodness beneath it. but there isn’t.

here is the problem - if you are truly being led you don’t get to decide where to …

either you choose your own path or you end up wherever they decide is your place …

you do not get to tell the shepherd where to lead you to - this is the insanity of our society that people believe that they can do this …

Aah…I struggle with this…my son once said to me people are just cardboard cut-outs. Sometimes I agree…but then I don’t like being around people.

here is the problem - if you are truly being led you don’t get to decide where to …
either you choose your own path or you end up wherever they decide is your place …

Yes. I know.
And yes, the reminder is good.

you do not get to tell the shepherd where to lead you to - this is the insanity of our society that people believe that they can do this …

Well…this is how people believe in holy democracy, “power to the people”, “the people will wake up” and other such drivel.

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You said we are moving from a pyramid to an Eiffel Tower structure for society.

The Georgia Guide Stones say they want 500 million.

So the final structure is not the Eiffel Tower, but a vast plain, a featureless block with a tiny sliver of a rod in the middle.
That sliver is the elite lording it over the few who remain.

you need at least a couple classes:

1 - owners / rothschilds, schwab, gates, soros etc …
2 - managers / kissinger, zuckerberg, clintons etc
3 - productive class / engineers, doctors, pilots etc …
4 - slave class / prostitutes and other servants
5 - useless eater class / homeless, blacks etc

i believe it was even on mainstream standup comedy maybe Carlin who said that the poor are just there to scare the shit out of the middle class … which is basically accurate … the function of the useless eaters class it to justify existence of government through “democracy” …

only middle class is productive but because it is productive it doesn’t need government … whereas the elites need government’s force to take away from the middle class … and to justify existence of government they need the poor who can’t exist without government handouts … thus 3rd world Immigration …

you can always count on 3rd world poor to vote for more socialism ( bigger government )

so i would say it’s an Eiffel Tower …

as for the 500 million figure i wouldn’t take these figures too literally - nor would i count everything on 2 legs as human …


And AI will thin class 3.

unproductive classes must outnumber productive classes for purposes of democracy …

but i’m not sure they need to outnumber 100 to 1 …

perhaps 2 to 1 or maybe 10 to 1 is enough ?

but i’m not sure they need to outnumber 100 to 1 …

Don’t know.
But if AI reduces transportation jobs (highway truck driving, pilots etc.) and harvesting jobs,
If this happens…fighting my normalcy bias…then it will easily be 50 to 1.

yeah to be honest i don’t understand why they aren’t doing more to limit population growth among cattle herder class “humans” … there are many countries with an average of 6 - 8 children per woman …

anyway movie time.


Only African countries have more than 3 children per woman.
And only Niger has 7 children per woman (6.74).
Plus 97 of the 200 countries shown have below replacement birth rates so ZPG is coming.

hmm … indeed looks like the problem is contained outside of Africa

South Korea … one of world’s most technologically advanced nations with highest IQs, highest average education level and most beautiful women … also the lowest number of birth per women just above ONE THIRD of replacement level …

the exact opposite for central Africa …

so an average women in Niger has 8 times as many children as an average women in Korea …

imagine looking at this data and not seeing a problem …

As for South Korea, they have the fourth highest suicide rate in the world.

Suicide in South Korea

According to the World Health Organization, the suicide rate in South Korea is the fourth highest in the world. One factor in its high suicide rate is suicides among the elderly. Traditionally, children have been expected to care for their aging parents; however, because this system has mostly disappeared in the twenty-first century, many older adults commit suicide, rather than feel like they are a financial burden on their families. In addition to the elderly, students have higher-than-average suicide rates, at least partly because they feel high levels of pressure to succeed academically. When they do not achieve their goals, they may feel that they have dishonored their families.

So they have issues…modern civilisation kills families.
This drops the birth rates and spikes suicide rates.
So the elite cure is to let the Chinese modernise Africa.

In the meantime,
Keep Africans in Africa…problem solved.
Good luck with that.

i see you keep insisting that the collapse in fertility is a natural side effect of “progress”

except that nothing that is happening here in the west is natural - it is all decided by WEF and then enforced by their client governments

that whole mouse experiment could have been fake … basically if they teach it in schools it’s probably fake. if they don’t it’s probably real.

for the most part everything schools teach is the opposite of the truth, just like most other information that flows from the top down from the higher authority to the lower, from older to the younger.

for example the mice huddled together leaving other areas empty … they crowded themselves while being overcrowded … humans of course do this too … but is it a natural process ?

if movement to the cities was natural … why would zoning laws be used for densification and rewilding ? why would ANTIFA set residential areas in California mountains on fire driving people down into urban hellscape of Los Angeles and San Francisco ?

Mark Sisson told Joe Rogan the reason he moved from Malibu to Florida wasn’t the liberal policies - it was the “wild” fires … i put wild in quotations because every single one of those fires is deliberately started by either ANTIFA, Environmentalists or Firefighters - none of them are actually “wild” …

After almost having his house and family and himself burn alive in those wildfires on multiple occasions Sisson said enough is enough and moved to the swamps of Florida …

I read on GAB that these “wild” fires all occur in areas that are designated to be free from human settlements by our globalist friends … they’re essentially burning down people’s homes to push them into the cities …

they do this in Africa too - they burn down entire villages and plant the area with trees and get paid to do this with carbon offset credits …

or maybe you think inviting porn stars and drag queens to read to children in kindergarten happens “naturally” too ?

i suppose if you’re an agent assigned to monitor / influence me by the Globalists i should feel flattered they think i’m important enough to spend the money on me.

otherwise i don’t understand why you keep insisting on the natural angle of civilization collapse … unless i’m misunderstanding what you’re saying.

by the way i’m not denying that there may be natural mechanisms built into our DNA to stabilize population growth, similar to what was seen in those mouse experiments …

rather what i’m saying is that if these mechanisms exist then globalists are seeking to leverage them rather than fight against them …

They don’t teach it in schools.

by the way i’m not denying that there may be natural mechanisms built into our DNA to stabilize population growth, similar to what was seen in those mouse experiments …

rather what i’m saying is that if these mechanisms exist then globalists are seeking to leverage them rather than fight against them …

That is what I am saying. This is a natural trend…steroid-boosted by the elites…
Why? Why do I even say its natural in part? The Cycle of History by Glubb…another person who disappeared down the memory hole of history…he noted the movement towards the cities in many civilisations with the concurrent drop in birth rates. Then another civilisation rises.

But ours seems to be the last and greatest.
We all live in Amerika…very few can resist its pull, and those who do firewall their cultures and build alternatives.