Should you get an Electric car?

it’s not that easy to drug or drink your problems away. most of my friends tried. the closest any of us came to succeeding is me masturbating to porn all day.

Redditors bro…they find it a lot easier than you.

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WEF is calling for the end of cars ( big surprise there … NOT )

:rage: :persevere: :rage:

Your guys are in a massive massive rush…
Why? ZPG due in 2040; overturn of the global population pyramid well underway.

Why the haste?

it’s been going on for a long time.

it’s just ramping up.

when was the last time American kids were taught math on the same level as kids in China ?

probably before forced school integration … which happened 68 years ago …

math, like energy, is one of the keys to economic development … it was taken away for a reason just as they’re taking away energy now …

Here’s what you’ll be driving - good luck when it gets wet!

you know how i used to ask what about when you get too old to ride the bicycle ?

well that NYT article about cannibalism answers that question - doesn’t it ?

of course progressives aren’t bright enough to ask questions because they are “educated”

asking questions is for ignoramuses like me. “educated” progressives wait for their professor to “educate” them …

Yes…Soylent green indeed.
There will probably be a Gaia ceremony to accompany the “meal”.

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