Florida Population Trends

i understand why you would think this intuitively …

but the way i am trying to see this ( which is laughable and in know it’s wrong but it’s how i want to see it ) is i want to see entire Florida as one southern, coastal mega-city.

within that megacity i see Miami as played out, overpopulated and Carribean … with Tampa and Orlando being the same just a bit further behind the curve.

and i see the area i circled, the white area, as one that’s destined for future growth …

because as cities get over-run my minorities people have to escape somewhere - but in Florida there is nowhere to escape to - everything is a swamp.

and then we consult the topographic map:

and at the intersection of decent elevations ( read: not swamp ), white population and low density is where i envision the future is …

basically from Gainesville to Leesburg