Contemporary Experimental

Remember your comments on boomers.

fuck … i was hoping i wouldn’t have to do this.

but basically it’s a built in self destruct mechanism.

without mechanisms like that tissues become cancerous.

organisms like humans have similar self destruct mechanisms as cells.

death from old age is an obvious one but there are others as well.

for example one can die from grief or depression. the feelings of being worthless can be literally fatal because your species doesn’t need useless eaters so when you know you’re a burden to your species your body will try to self destruct.

but there is another mechanism … and that’s when the tribe kills you for being worthless.

the reason ugly people are so repulsive is because in a healthy tribe they will be killed for their ugliness. ugliness is a sign of genetic defect and it’s repulsive because a healthy tribe needs to correct genetic defects.

old people are ugly because in many societies they were also killed for being useless eaters.

but sometimes old people are not ugly enough to get killed and that’s when they start to act disgusting - it’s actually their self destruct mechanism attempting to trigger the tribe into killing them.

ugliness for old people is a feature not a bug and they are ugly on the inside for the same reason they are ugly on the outside. it’s their way of begging to get killed without them being aware of it.

Tough to follow. :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:

Ugliness, in the young or the old, means ostracism…less kids or no kids than the good looking. I see genetic death as the result there not physical death.

Elder veneration is common to all cultures and spaces.
Yes, some cultures have a “long walk” option for the old to die.
And we see the elderly die quickly after retiring, the death of a spouse etc.
Basically, after we have matured enough to have children we get another 20 to 30 years to care for them and then that’s it…

Increasing ugliness with age, (less so for men than women), is sign of decreased fertility/ability to take care of offspring.

Is getting uglier as you age a tribal sign that your head should be on the chopping block?
Not sure about that.

Maybe we live in an age where older peopie being miserable is tolerated/promoted.

We see Biden, incoherent and incompetent shuffling around, playacting at being President, and Trump still going on strong…

You got to give me more content…data…arguments…

so “Antichrist” ( 2009 ) was about witches …

what is a witch ? it’s an old ugly woman.

they were burned alive …

why would any society keep useless eaters around ?

they didn’t have democracy then - they didn’t need worthless people voting for handouts …

The accusation of being a witch seems to be one who abused knowledge of herbs etc…not necessarily old & ugly women.

Short article.

if these ugly old women were abusing herbs it means they wanted to be killed …




if these ugly old women were abusing herbs it means they wanted to be killed …


Really… :slightly_smiling_face:

A bit more from Wiki - should bring to mind Charlotte furiously masturbating.

Use patterns[edit]

Berries of belladonna

Decoctions of deliriant nightshades (such as henbane, belladonna, mandrake, or datura) were used in European witchcraft.[21][20] All of these plants contain hallucinogenic alkaloids of the tropane family, including hyoscyamine, atropine and scopolamine —the last of which is unique in that it can be absorbed through the skin. These concoctions are described in the literature variously as brews, salves, ointments, philtres, oils, and unguents. Ointments were mainly applied by rubbing on the skin, especially in sensitive areas—underarms, the pubic region,[25] the forehead,[23] the mucous membranes of the vagina and anus, or on areas rubbed raw ahead of time. They were often first applied to a “vehicle” to be “ridden” (an object such as a broom, pitchfork, basket, or animal skin that was rubbed against sensitive skin). All of these concoctions were made and used for the purpose of giving the witch special abilities to commune with spirits, transform into animals (lycanthropy),[26] gain love, harm enemies, experience euphoria and sexual pleasure,[22] and—importantly—to “fly to the witches’ Sabbath”.[24]

i used various hallucinogens and even sold them yet nobody ever called me a witch

funny that …

Good…no burning alive for you.

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the concept of exterminating boomers isn’t new

but i didn’t realize we were appropriating it

You even have to die in a politically correct manner!

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Halo Boy feat Jixi - yum yum

B3LLA x xChenda - Bring Me Down

coucou chloe - DROP TEN

Donatachi - DDR

A post was merged into an existing topic: Happy Marlon Music!

Sonikku - Sweat (SOPHIE Remix)

by the way “SOPHIE” was a Tranny that killed itself …

actually made great music …

Trannies make good artists because as i pointed out elsewhere their entire being is artificial …

they are masters of crafting illusions / shaping perceptions and stuff like that …

it used to be Gays and Jews that were at the cutting edge of art but now it’s Trannies …