Contemporary EDM

this is the most homo stuff i have ever seen.

more homo than two men fucking each other in the ass or sucking each other’s dicks.

i originally attempted to judge the first track based on music alone ignoring the video …

but when the 2nd track started with the homo vocals i gave up …

bodybuilding, shaving, tanning and oiling yourself is gay enough …

but watching other men do it is even gayer …

i know it probably makes no sense that i, a Pervert Jew, am complaining about this …

but strangely enough i’m not actually gay.

the guys in the video ? they probably have aids AND monkeypox by now …

i mean there is nothing wrong with being gay but i’m simply not …

ask yourself this simple question - of all the most desirable women - how many are dating bodybuilders ? by my count - ZERO.

this is why i now focus on technical exercises like olympic lifting and butterfly - those turn women on. having a beach body by contrast turns homosexuals on. women aren’t visual - they are turned on by what you do not by how you look. a real man wouldn’t even look at himself in the mirror.

That’s why I put it in the audio section!.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Don’t look at the guys…
Delete them.

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HIGHSOCIETY is serious stuff …

currently i’m mostly rotating highsociety and haterade on my gym playlist …

they are very similar but i would say highsociety has a little more depth …

Not gay :grinning:

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catchy tune ! the sound is a little more lo-fi than my preference, not sure if this is intentional or an artifact of compression …

i see you were trying to bribe me with Russian language here … anyway the Russian voice sample at the beginning is actually from the movie “Fight Club” ( 1999 ) and the original English version of the quote is:

We’re a generation of men raised by women. I’m wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

the clip:

i saw “Fight Club” in the theaters - i think i saw pretty much every movie from 1999 in the theaters - i was in High School at the time we had nothing better to do.

it was considered a very edgy movie at the time and i suppose it really was it’s just hard to get excited about a movie starring Brad Pitt that everybody saw 20 years ago … at least if you’re an Elitist like me :slight_smile:

but if i could recognize the quote 23 years later and in a different language then the movie must have captured my attention at the time … particularly as it was a critique of American culture back when i was myself struggling to assimilate into it having only been in the country for 3 years … it was easy to identify with characters who were basically saying that America is gay …

fresh from the oven - 2 weeks old !

i must have used Spotify’s “release radar” to discover this track - it always serves up the most recent stuff, i mean less than a month old …

you probably know i despise conservatives and everything old …

but anyway this track is good !

2 months fresh …

Falconshield feat. Zephyrianna - I Got The Juice

Defunk x ero808 - Sacrifice

Genetics - Let You Go

Reading some of the stuff above… so you were basically tweaking that entire time a few years ago when you were having discourses with Galen? It all makes sense now… I wondered how you were able to tweet so much and also work out, etc. At the time I was burned out from working and commuting so it seemed superhuman to me. Guess I should’ve thought of amphetamines – might have helped me out. But I had a strict no-drugs stance at the time. Anyway, now it’s irrelevant because I have mostly been working from home since 2020. Interesting to think back to those times though. I made a lot of progress from the period 2017-2019 myself. Went from being overweight after college back to being in shape. And yes, my training also evolved over time. I also don’t push myself as much after suffering injuries, but I do stay consistent. Appearance is not of primary importance either, although I will say being good-looking will not hurt your chances with women, but it’s not a deal breaker if you aren’t.

sleeping all day is superhuman ? i am flattered !

by the way you just made me re-read 80 post thread going back a year just to figure out what you were referring to with “some of the stuff above” LOL

probably my own fault for not keeping things more organized, though you certainly have my permission to be more specific next time :wink:

i wouldn’t even be against using quotes for example :slight_smile:

no, when i was talking to Galen i wasn’t using any drugs. nor have i used any drugs since then.

i wouldn’t recommend amphetamines or steroids except in extreme circumstances.

i had very low motivation to go back to the gym after taking a very long time off due to dislocated shoulder - amphetamines helped. but i knew it wasn’t a long-term solution.

i don’t believe in long-term drug use. i believe drugs can be used to meet short-term goals.

also i don’t believe amphetamines or provigil eliminate the need to sleep. they can simply shift it to later. just like buying on credit card doesn’t eliminate the need to have a source of income - it simply allows you to pay later.

sometimes it can be very useful. most of the time it’s just a trap.

i never skip sleep unless i know i will be able to make it up later, drugs or not. i believe i read research suggests that you can skip one night of sleep without any major downsides if you get good sleep the next day. but to routinely get bad sleep will lead to early grave, not to mention feeling like shit and performing like shit.

in other words i don’t think it’s an issue to take drugs and party all night as long as you can sleep the whole next day. but to for example work full time and also study full time - i think is suicide. i understand why Americans do it - because they think the purpose of life is to work hard and be successful - but to me if you’re going to kill yourself why not just put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger - why make it so complicated with all this studying and work and everything …

personally i sleep 10 hours a day on average. when i miss sleep i end up sleeping more the next day.

same for steroids - might be useful to bounce back from being in a coma or something and losing all your muscle - but i would hesitate to even use them to get in shape before spring break - imagine you get all jacked for spring break then can’t get an erection - defeats the purpose :slight_smile:

reality is effects of steroids on libido can be unpredictable unless you’re always doing the same cycle and you can guarantee that you’re getting the same stuff every time, and even then in the long term the effects wont’ be good …

so i say don’t do drugs unless you’re facing some kind of temporary crunch that you simply see no other way of getting through - like if your options are use drugs or quit maybe it’s better to use drugs in the short term if you think situation will change soon - but if it’s clear the situation will not change maybe it’s better to quit.

To clarify, I don’t intend to use drugs. Partly I asked out of interest because I remember some pretty frantic activity on your part from years ago. Maybe it was from the time when you had the Marxist Hell account and I also had a 1000+ follower account before getting banned in early 2017. For some reason, I find biographical information interesting – this is arguably the main interesting feature of social media apart from discussing or sharing information and yet not too many people discuss it all that much, instead sharing retarded memes and such. And unusual schedules or practices stand out because so much of the crap posted there is the same.

Generally I have not used drugs since my 20s and I don’t regret it, although if I had to increase physical output with extra help, amphetamines sound like the way I would have gone. I was able to get the motivation to go back to the gym without it starting in 2017 and especially 2018. The main confounding thing was that I injured my knee around 2014, and reinjured it from a fall hiking down a slippery slope in 2015, which took years to heal.

The poor sleep thing is correct and I have seen it firsthand. I was a dancer and I enjoyed it, but the thing I hate about it is that it hypes you up so much that you can’t sleep. And then the next day I would often feel dead. Yes, I do think this took a toll on my health and it’s why I can’t do that anymore at more than a dilettante level of interest. So while I have gone back since the lockdowns ended, I can’t go 2-3 times a week like I used to.

I try not to cheat on sleep or recovery in any way, and if anything I err too much on the side of caution. But being a bit older now I don’t want to go back to my stupid younger days, although I did enjoy some of those times. When we were discussing psychedelics the other day, I was mainly just reminiscing because I miss some of the wild times of youth, not necessarily that I really want to go back to that. Too much trouble.

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well without a time frame i can’t rule anything out but it’s probably just my bipolar.

gym workouts tend to trigger my mania.

i would be manic right now except some old guy decided to parade his dick in front of me in the locker room as i was leaving and that killed my buzz from an otherwise uplifting workout.

he was really determined to show his dick to me.

Boomers …

Twitter knows who we are. They let us create new accounts because they have more power over us when we’re on Twitter than when we’re elsewhere.

If we get too many followers or if Kanye West starts winning we will find ourselves out of accounts again.

On other hand if they don’t let us join Twitter we will find some other place where they won’t be able to terminate us at the right time.

When we’re on Twitter they can tell us what to say and what not to say and ultimately they can still end us anytime they want. When we’re elsewhere they don’t have this power. So they want us on Twitter. They also want us to believe that we fooled them and they don’t know who we are. But they know.

This may be the only time where accelerationists are actually right. In other words it would have been better if none of us were ever able to go back to Twitter.

Being let back on Twitter is like being allowed to vote in the sham elections.


i’m the opposite.

my cousin was talking about his kids and realized i didn’t know he had kids and also didn’t care. he was horrified. me and my cousin used to lift together, he also built my first computer. he couldn’t believe i don’t know anything about his kids. but why should i care ? i still don’t know anything about his kids except that he has them. i don’t know how many he has, how old they are, whether they are boys or girls, let alone what their names are. as far as i am concerned - who gives a shit ?

it’s about as important to me as knowing who won the game last night.

walking is dangerous i’m not kidding. Evan Centopani was in his prime as a bodybuilder when he slipped on ice carrying groceries home and ended up destroying his knee.

sting ( the musician ) fucked up his shoulder in a bicycle crash in central park ( where i also crashed on a bicycle LOL ) and said he will never ride a bicycle again …

what @kanyewest and his fellow WEF appreciatoors will never understand or admit is that cars are actually the safest form of transportation after airplanes.

walking is the most dangerous, followed by bicycles.

if you had to get from NY to LA and could fly, drive, ride a bicycle or walk … your chances of making it would be in that same order.

the mistake WEF fanbois like @kanyewest make is they judge safety of transportation PER UNIT OF TIME spent traveling, in which case the safest form of transportation is laying in your bed. your chances of dying per unit of time are lowest while you’re in bed. however the purpose of transportation is to get from A to B and we have to measure risk PER UNIT OF DISTANCE not per unit of time.

when measured that way staying at home becomes the most dangerous form of transportation because you can die in your bed but you certainly aren’t getting anywhere in it …

the scary part is 90% of people lack the IQ to figure this out on their own …

and only about half will be able to understand it after i explain it to them …

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the best way to fall asleep is a large meal followed by an orgasm.

actually see a doctor - they should be able to come up with some downer to make you sleep in a scenario like this.

i think it should be easier to get a prescription for a downer than amphetamines … at least for some downers.

maybe it is hard to get a prescription for a fun date rape drug like Rohypnol but should be easy to get some miserable antipsychotic LOL

i never tried Nyquil to sleep but i had great results with Provigil to stay awake and if i remember correctly it’s physiologically a reverse Nyquil …

if Nyquil is a reverse Provigil it should absolutely flatten you LOL

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Lol I think I struck a nerve. You really love this topic.