Assorted Industrial Maps

the folks who sold this New Jersey house moved to Carolina, or Virginia was it … my best friend moved to Florida … i’m with you so far …

i have a separate thread for Atlanta but the main reason i’m thinking about it is it’s the southernmost large city that isn’t in a swamp like Miami or Houston or Desert like Dallas …

yes it’s black but every other southern city is Latino, which is worse, because Latino population is exploding while black population is stable …

and the reason i want to move south is because i envision they will cut off oil and gas and anybody not in the south with freeze to death …

if you want to make any comments about Atlanta specifically they should go here:

most cities in the Carolinas etc. are too small for my taste. there is net movement of jobs from smaller cities to larger ones. it would be nice to stay here in NJ as we are basically one metro area combining NYC and Philly with 25 mil population, which is about 4 times the size of Atlanta or Houston or Dallas …

but the winters here get pretty cold … it is POSSIBLE to still heat a home using geothermal and solar here but it would be a lot easier in the south …

the main benefit of staying here in NJ is this is where all the white people are as well as all the ivy league universities … but you would need like a high-end passive custom home to survive here in winter without access to gas or oil for heating …

i will continue doing research on all these subjects …