Why is it always hot female teachers that "rape" their "boy" students?

this question was posed by somebody else …

just now i was browsing the local news and there is another story with this woman:

this is just a few miles from here …

now i don’t know if i would call this woman “hot” but she is definitely fuckable.

the question is why do these boys keep getting “raped” by hot women ? why don’t ugly, busted women rape them ?

the answer is obvious of course - they are not getting raped - they are having sex. and since these high school boys are surrounded by young ( and therefore attractive ) girls, only above average looking adult women can compete for their attention.

in this particular story for example it mentions that this female teacher “sexually assaulted” ( made out with ) the boy IN HIS CAR.

HIS car.

how did she get into his car i wonder ? it sounds to me like he picked her up.

here is the thing - idiot conservatives think they are “owning the libs” by calling such incidents “rape” because women use false rape accusations as a weapon against men and conservatives were sold on the idea that we “own the libs” by attacking women, and what better way to do that than giving them a taste of their own medicine, which also makes you cool, ironic and edgy heh ?

you idiots you are only owning yourself.

when the Jews invented Feminism they used it to divide men and women to break white people. and you are playing right into their hands. the Jews set fire to your home and you’re pouring gas on it.

if a high school boy fucks his teacher in his car that isn’t rape. should the teacher be fired ? yes. blacklisted from working with children ? probably. but she is not a rapist. just a dumb whore.

i know this makes conservatives very confused because they be like " but how do we own the libs then ? "

what if, get this, what if the goal isn’t to own the libs ? what if the goal isn’t to own women ? what if the goal is to use the truth to defeat Jews because truth is Kryptonite to the Jew.

the truth is anybody who has reached puberty ( about age 12 or so ) can enjoy sex, and there is nothing special about sex that requires any kind of special consent that other things don’t require. the only difference is that Christians shroud sex with their own superstitions about the serpent and apple and calling it a “sin”

imagine, if you will, a people so stupid ( conservatives ) that as we near technological singularity with artificial intelligence already having surpassed most humans in most tasks - they seek to build a society around superstition as its foundation.

when i was growing up in USSR ( which was Atheist by law ) it was understood that sex is like any other physical activity like eating - it has nothing to do with “sin” or any kind of insane nonsense like that. marriage was special. sex was not. it was understood that marriage is about building a family while sex is about having pleasure.

but in America marriage is now for gays to show how equal they are and sex is for accusing each other of “rape” …

you know what a child really can’t consent to ? being indoctrinated by government in a public prison for children.

having sex with students is the least the teachers can do to make up for having these children locked up in a “gun free zone” behind metal detectors all day, every day for a decade being indoctrinated with government lies and punished for failing to memorize them.