aside from the obvious reason that is, which is that jerking off to Porn is simply better than dating women.
yes i have dated women, thank you for asking. but in the end i decided that i preferred pornography.
but that’s not a reason to have Porn categories on this site obviously … the reason has to do with censorship.
Gab is the closest we have to freedom of speech and yet Porn is banned don Gab. Why ? Torba gives excuses such as " it exploits women " blah blah blah … that’s not the real reason. Certainly cartoon porn doesn’t exploit women but it’s still banned - the real reason is Torba is a Christian and Gab is a Christian Fundamentalist site. Torba even admits his goal is to build a parallel Christian Economy.
I am very impressed by Torba’s accomplishments - he perhaps has done more to fight the system than anybody after Hitler and Putin but as with Hitler and Putin he is only fighting one system because he wants to replace it with another, equally oppressive and likely WORSE system.
Me ? I just want freedom of expression.
Understand that you don’t have free speech just because you are allowed to say something. You have free speech when you don’t need to ask permission to speak.
MAGA-Q-Tards on GETTR think they are free because they’re allowed to talk shit about Fauci … but they’re not allowed to use the N-Word …
Christian Morons on GAB think they’re free because they can talk shit about Trannies … but they aren’t allowed to share pornographic content …
Of course they will say that they do not need nor want to share pornographic content and therefore they are still free since they’re only banned from doing what they would not do anyway if allowed …
But how is that different from a Liberal saying that he is free under mandatory masks and jabs because he would have worn a mask and taken a jab anyway ?
Freedom is an illusion. It doesn’t exist. Not even on my site here. I already banned somebody for being a moron on here and will not hesitate to do it again.
The difference between me and Torba is that i do not have any conclusions in mind that you will be required to reach ( such as that Jesus is Lord ) by using this site.
And the difference between this site and GETTR is that i do not police politically incorrect language like Nigger, Kike or Faggot.
All i require from members is intelligence and honesty.
If we are intelligent and honest we will recognize that addiction to women is no less toxic than addiction to porn … and likely far worse. I never read of any murder-suicides caused by porn, only by real women. I never read of anybody being bankrupted by porn - only by divorce.
And if we are going to be even more honest then “real” women aren’t “real” in any meaningful sense. They are as fake as everything else in this world. If you are both teenage virgins then what you experience might be real … but as time goes by it gets more and more fake … while simultaneously getting more and more expensive. At some point in life you’re just working to keep your marriage afloat even though you haven’t had sex in years and wish you never got married in the first place.
Why do you do this ? To keep up socially acceptable appearances. But if you are going to go down that route then you must also love Niggers and Jews and Trannies and Vaccines and on and on.
Conversely if you’re going to say fuck all that then you may as well admit that porn is one of the few good things in life.