i think on average every second title of a porno is either misspelled or doesn’t make sense
for example this one " Older Stepdad Can’t Stop Fucking His Horny Teen Stepsister "
in this case it’s spelled correctly ( very rare ! ) but if he’s her Stepdad then why is she his Stepsister ?
i understand that normies do not care about things making sense but it bothers my Autistic OCD …
i understand when people make spelling mistakes in general ( autocorrect etc ) but if you put in the effort to produce a video - how hard is it to get JUST THE TITLE right ? and yet they never get it right.
is there some secret reason behind this ?
how fucking hard is it ?
i don’t get it …
is it possible that humans are even dumber than i already think they are ?
Christians attach stigma to Porn, which causes vast majority of people to try and distance themselves from it
those who do watch porn are usually defects of some kind who were either unable to find pussy in the real world or so dumb that stigma doesn’t work on them
Harari explained for example that you cannot brainwash a Monkey into believing the Bible " The Monkey will not believe it " …
this is the flip side of the coin from Orwell, who said " some ideas are so wrong that only very intelligent people can believe in them "
so actually believing nonsense ( whether it is Climate Change or The Bible ) requires a certain level of intelligence which monkeys and Niggers do not possess …
you can’t even brainwash Niggers into believing that rape and murder are wrong for that matter … all Niggers understand is " cash money hoes " …
so Porn basically attracts the lowest of the low, but not because there is something wrong with Porn, but rather because the stigma originating from Christianity repels most mid-wits from it … leaving primarily Niggers and other subhumans …
porn could have been great if Christ Cucks didn’t ruin it basically the same way as they ruin all joy in life …