The Vicious Kind ( 2009 )

Decent Romance / Drama. 3.5 stars.

not particularly gripping or hot. the sex scenes are without any nudity.

i don’t know what IMDB is smoking - this movie has no elements of comedy whatsoever. yes there are jokes in the movie - a lot of them - but they aren’t meant to be funny - they are meant to be uncomfortable. for example in one of the early scenes in the movie Emma sits between two brothers in the truck and the stick shift is between her legs - she is dating the younger brother and the older brother is driving the stick shift effectively reaching between her legs while also making jokes about it - it isn’t supposed to be funny at all - it is supposed to create tension with both Emma and younger brother being visibly very uncomfortable with this.

mainly what this movie does have is nuance. characters are 3 dimensional. not just the main characters but all characters - even the waitress that brings coffee in the opening scene, whose face we never see and who only talks about coffee and cigarettes ( “we do not sell cigarettes here” ) - her tone of voice is flirtatious for no reason and after she leaves the protagonist calls her a whore.

this one character of the waitress whom we never see above the neck because the camera is on the two brothers sitting down and the waitress is standing up has more depth to her character than protagonists in 90% of PG-13 blockbusters.

this waitress has absolutely plain figure and is dressed plainly yet the movie makes us question her moral integrity and the real reason she says what she says and the way she says it. and she is not even a character in the plot - she is literally just serving coffee when the two brothers are talking.

the movie isn’t preachy. it shows every character as flawed without judging any of them. and it is mostly realistic about every subject it discusses.

the movie is rated R simply because the subject matter isn’t for teen audience. there is no nudity but there is for example a scene where Emma masturbates.

as well as a scene where she fucks.

and in this retarded country children can see movies with hundreds of people getting killed but G-d forbid there is any sexuality beyond a kiss ! because apparently death is less traumatic to children than love. don’t ask me how that makes sense - i am not a registered republican.

anyway despite good quality i can’t give this movie a higher rating because it isn’t dark or hot enough. i like my movies extremely dark, for example:

or extremely hot:

or both:

and “the vicious kind” is just not that dark or hot.

it’s just a good movie.

thus 3.5 stars.