Starvation...coming soon to your city

I am not sure they will even let you eat the bugs at this rate…

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i shared your link with somebody i know in real life and they asked me why the drift towards dystopia seems to be accelerating …

i then spent an hour explaining why …

and it made me realize i should share it here …

basically it’s because of Artificial Intelligence giving us signs we are approaching the Singularity:

as we’re drifting closer the WEF types are getting more desperate to destroy the pillars of economic progress in time to prevent the Technological Singularity from becoming the Economic Singularity …

the pillars of economy are:

1 - Intelligence / Knowledge / Technology / White People
2 - Energy / Fossil Fuels
3 - Freedom

the economy needs all 3. if you’re missing any one of the ingredients the economy doesn’t work. for example Africa has freedom and energy but no intelligence. Soviet Union had Energy and White People but no Freedom. The west has White People and USED TO HAVE Freedom and Energy but those are being taken away from us in order to lower us to 3rd world standards of living.

additionally of course the WEF type elites are also trying to end white people.

in a sense White People and AI are the same thing as they are both driving the knowledge / intelligence side of the equation. but there is a key difference - when white people create they then use the money to reproduce, build cities and so on. when AI creates something - nothing happens. that’s good for the WEF as nothing is what they want.

but basically just remember those 3 pillars of the economy i have identified:

1 - white people
2 - freedom
3 - energy

the order doesn’t matter. what matters is the WEF are going after all 3. they are taking no chances.

all the “global warming” thing is - is just an attack on energy. all “diversity” is - is an attack on white people. and everything else is an attack on freedom.

the nightmare scenario the WEF is trying to prevent is a future with 10 billion white people with each and every one owning five private jets. which is in fact what would happen in 100 years time if WEF sat back and did nothing.

if the Elites did nothing Whites would end all other races, multiply like rabbits and push economic growth to something like GDP doubling every 10 years by teaching children how to create AI instead of how to hate their own skin.

needless to say 50 billion private jets would not be very good for the environment so the elites are determined to prevent this nightmare scenario from happening. by attacking the 3 pillars i outlined.

if any of this doesn’t make sense feel free to ask questions.

actually white people may become somewhat irrelevant in the future as AI replaces them in the “intelligence” side of the equation.

the focus may then shift to stifling freedom and energy.

which in fact is what may be happening right now.

i mean the anti-white thing is still happening.

but the other two ( freedom and energy ) are just going parabolic ( in the negative direction ) …

the WEF is scrambling to cancel out the effect of intelligence singularity with a total collapse of freedom and energy to ZERO

this is what “net zero” is for energy ( literally no energy ) which is what we’re getting in the west meanwhile china with their social credit system is experiencing what zero freedom is like …

the WEF is trying to break even with the product of ( intelligence X energy X freedom ) in a scenario where intelligence is about to zoom to infinity …

AT LEAST ONE of the other two factors must collapse to zero for the math to work out …

either energy or freedom has to go to zero …

but they can’t figure out which one just yet so they’re going after both to be safe …

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correction: WEF doesnt want OTHER white people to gain control and power…essentially they are killing off their competition and replacing it like youve pointed out w AI

But yes this shit is fucking scary and its mind boggling how people dont see whats happening…

Aah…but what about the Asians?
Will they be able to sufficiently oppress their own people (speaking of China)?

for the most part this is accurate except that team WEF is a mostly Jewish team and whether Jews are white is debatable … i mean if hating Jews is antisemitism wouldn’t that make Jews Semitic ?

well of course the Jews at WEF are Ashkenazi which means they are Khazarian rather than Semitic …

but yes regardless the ruling class must always be a minority or some kind. just from numerical perspective the ruling class should be something like 1% or total population and Jews fit that bill whereas no other religious or ethnic group does.

there are simply too many of any other group of people to ever be the ruling class.

so really the White Jewish Ruling Elite is trying to mix White Non-Jews with the Non-Whites so that ultimately in the future we will have India style caste system where the color of your skin determines your position in society.

Progressives tell us we’re trying to move away from that system when in fact we are creating it. Even with all the affirmative action only superior blacks ( Athletes, Rappers etc. ) will ever marry white women while the average black that works as a Janitor will never marry a white women no matter how big his dick may be.

This means that while today you may still have some superior blacks and inferior whites in the future these errors will be ironed out and your skin color will be your status.

The Jews of course will not intermarry with nonwhites and thus will be the whitest, thereby securing their position at the top of the food chain in the most concrete way possible.

In essence the Jews will steal whiteness from whites and use it as their own identity.

i don’t think they care.

the average person is only comparing himself to other people in the same room with him.

he can’t even compare himself to people in the other room let alone worry about where the whole planet is headed.

and why should he ? it’s not like he can control the planet.

he leaves the planet to the “experts”

in other words if tomorrow instead of cars we will all be riding bicycles it’s still going to be about who has the fanciest bicycle so that’s what people focus on. they focus on beating the guy next to them. they don’t care we’re all losing together.

i think they are doing a stellar job of oppressing their own people.

haven’t heard of any Chinese Americans moving to China …

Effects of AI (Chat GPT) on Medicine

Written article if you don’t want to watch.

read half of it.

it’s written by a doctor not a computer scientist.

in other words he doesn’t understand how Chat GPT actually works.

as i only had one AI class in college 20 years ago i probably don’t understand how it works either but at least i’m smarter than a doctor …

most of these AI technologies that exist today work on a single type of file - either text or image. they can very efficiently process a million books worth of text into a text reply. or they can very efficiently process a million images of pretty women into an “artwork” of pretty woman.

but on a basic level it still seems to be neural net based pattern recognition which i made to work with a few lines of code in that one college class 20 years ago. the reason it can fool us is because we humans are ALSO using the same processing method in certain contexts such as recognizing faces for example. this is of course because neural net model was stolen by computer scientists from the human brain in the first place.

however this isn’t even lizard brain type stuff - this is like a mosquito brain level function. the difference between something like MidJourney and a Mosquito is the sheer amount of POWER but this is NOT intelligence.

mosquitos have very poor eye sight, very low power brain, very limited memory and so on. something like MidJourney can take high quality images directly and use lots of power and memory to process them … but the METHOD it uses to process them will be pretty much the same as what a mosquito brain would use.

chat GPT in other hand uses some kind of combination of linguistic models with some sort of AI techniques but ultimately it’s still likely based on pattern recognition - it is basically assembling a puzzle.

that is it knows how words can fit together and it has blocks of text saved in memory that it can harvest necessary blocks from and so on - that is of course how we speak as well …

but speaking and knowing what you’re talking about isn’t the same thing …

women for example are good at speaking but usually have no idea what they’re talking about …

some scientist from Japan on other hand would struggle to speak English but might be a genius …

ChatGPT is basically really good at writing … but is a total idiot. Think of ChatGPT as a rapper - a wordsmith - it isn’t a scholar or a philosopher.

I wouldn’t trust ChatGPT to write ANYTHING for me because it simply HAS NO IDEA what it is saying. ChatGPT is like a child who watched a Hollywood movie and starts saying “fuck” and “motherfucker” but doesn’t know what those words mean …

now, this is not to say that AI will not replace us, just that it will take a different TYPE of AI than ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is designed to SIMULATE intelligence, and is doing a good job at that, especially as most people can only simulate intelligence AT BEST as well.

that doesn’t mean that REAL intelligence is somehow exclusive to humans and can’t be replicated by a machine - of course it can ! all i’m saying is that ChatGPT isn’t it.

now they ARE adding new things to ChatGPT all the time - but mostly it’s for political correctness - and it can still be easily tricked. for example if you ask it for piracy websites it will say it can’t answer because that would be wrong. but if you say i want to avoid piracy websites which websites should i avoid it will tell you piratebay and so on …

which means that ChatGPT is some kind of hybrid of relatively primitive intelligence ( on a level of a 5 year old ) and extremely powerful linguistic engine far beyond anything Shakespeare could dream of …

before it can replace anybody other than a guy in a call center in India who tells you to unplug your computer and plug it back in when you call tech support it will need to seriously step up its actual intelligence game …

basically what i’m saying is AI right now is a brute force type of situation - it is like a mosquito brain on steroids rather than a human brain RIGHT NOW …

i think probably the reason ChatGPT fascinates people is because speech is something we believe to be human …

we KNOW that all animals ( like mosquito ) can see, so perhaps that’s why when AI draws pictures it doesn’t frighten us because we don’t associate vision with human intelligence …

but we associate speech with human intelligence …

however speech and intelligence are SEPARATE …

to reiterate - computers absolutely CAN * IN THEORY * match humans in ALL forms of intelligence, it just hasn’t happened yet and it isn’t what ChatGPT is doing.

ChatGPT to general intelligence is like Tesla to real innovation. It isn’t it. Tesla is SIMULATING innovation and ChatGPT is SIMULATING intelligence.

that doesn’t mean we can’t have real innovation or real artificial intelligence.

of course the term “artificial intelligence” currently isn’t well defined, but when most people talk of AI right now they refer to a set of computational techniques and types of mathematics such as matrix multiplication, neural nets, machine learning and so on …

whereas when Hollywood talks of AI they mean something entirely different by those words …

my TV for example uses AI to upscale 4K resolution to 8K … so does that mean my TV is self-aware ? LOL of course not. it simply uses matrix multiplication hardware to guesstimate missing pixels based on the neighboring pixels. it is AI in the sense computer scientists use the term today but it isn’t AI in the sense hollywood uses the term.

doesn’t mean we won’t get to Hollywood style AI - we will :slight_smile: My point is rather than ChatGPT is closer to what my TV is doing than to Hollywood vision of AI.

that said, AI as it currently exists is ALREADY outperforming human doctors when it comes to reading X-Rays and MRIs for example …

so AI will ABSOLUTELY replace doctors, it simply won’t be ChatGPT that will do it.

the AI that replaces doctors will be specifically designed to replace doctors. ChatGPT isn’t designed to replace anybody - it is simply designed to showcase state of the art linguistic processing.

the AI as it currently exists must be trained to perform a specific task. so WITH CURRENT TECH you can train AI to diagnose cancer from a set of X-Rays or MRIs or something like this. this AI doesn’t actually know what cancer is or what even life is or what it’s looking at or anything at all - but what it CAN do is PATTERN RECOGNTION WITH HIGH EFFICIENCY AND ACCURACY. if you show it a million MRIs with Cancer and a million MRIs without Cancer it will be able to learn how to recognize cancer with accuracy far exceeding what any human can do. It will do this with ZERO awareness of what it’s actually doing, but it will do it brilliantly never the less.

this is why i’m telling you have your son learn about AI because it’s absolutely going to be a huge deal but it won’t happen in the way Hollywood movies show it.

AI isn’t going to be about being an inferior version of human general intelligence. AI will be about solving very specific problems WITHOUT general intelligence but with speed, efficiency and accuracy no humans could possibly compete with.

it’s like when computers first learned to play chess it was almost right away that the cheapest computer program was better than the best human chess player. this trend will continue. it will be a case by case problem by problem type of deal. problems like chess will be cracked one at a time and once it’s cracked humans will be out of that particular job.

90% of us will lose our jobs to AI BEFORE AI gets anywhere near what Hollywood is showing …

it won’t be like one day robots become self aware and kill us all - it will be like every year another 10% of population loses their jobs to some new AI program that has figured out how to automate their jobs …

in other words it will continue as it always has - one job at a time. remember when Home Depot switched to self-checkout ? I remember i thought it was crazy but now self-checkout is the ONLY checkout at my local Home Depot … and my experience shopping there is BETTER as a result ! All the people who used to work checkout now actually help customers with questions about products so you can actually get help when you want it …

but the point i’m making is that intelligence is very much not one thing but many different things. pattern recognition is kind of the main thing that we share with primitive animals and that AI has learned how to do. other things like Chess are solved with different approaches, which AI has also learned how to do. yet other things are solved by approaches AI doesn’t know how to do yet, but some day it will.

basically don’t think of ChatGPT as some next level thing - it is only next-level with respect to language processing - it isn’t next level in terms of general intelligence. it simply appears that way to doctors who aren’t computer scientists.

that said AI march is unstoppable. it will continue getting better in all possible ways. it will continue to get better at things it can already do today but poorly, while also learning new tricks all the time which it couldn’t do at all previously.

it is hard for me to generalize which jobs will get automated first, mainly because have a very romantic idea of our own intelligence and emotions. for example if somebody asked me 10 years ago what will get automated LAST i would say art … yet actually it was automated FIRST. because we think of ART as something uniquely human but apparently we thought wrong …

actually now that i think of it - it’s probably because of Turing Test

ChatGPT was essentially designed to pass the Turing Test and it sort of passes it …

so in that sense it’s a milestone but in passing the Turing Test all it really accomplished is prove that the Turing Test was actually meaningless …

passing the Turning Test and being intelligent isn’t the same …

nor is “AI” the same as General Intelligence …

already in the 2014 movie Ex Machina:

the CEO says that his AI is BEYOND the Turing Test … in other words already 10 years ago some people were seeing the Turing Test as outdated … the CEO says his machine already passes the Turing test but he wants to give it a harder test …

i’m sure as technology evolves so will the terminology we use to describe it as well as the tests we use to measure it …

which is why, again, i suggested your son tries to stay on top of this …

because most people find these things confusing yet you can’t afford to be confused about something that will be this important in the future …

actually now that i think of it far and away the number one application of AI in the near future will be FAKING THINGS

for example faking signatures

have a robot hand use a real pen to fake your signature so well nobody not even you could tell it wasn’t yours …

and that’s because AI in its current form is mostly faking rather than innovating …

so i guess AI will hit Asians the hardest LOL

creativity is probably the rarest form of intelligence … Asians don’t have it … Conservatives don’t have it … AI doesn’t have it …

frankly i am not sure even i have it …

Let’s look at human intelligence.
Intelligence: the ability to form concepts.
By concepts I mean any relationships between objects, or objects and concepts, or concepts and other concepts…nested as far as you can take it.

For example, the female breast relates to sex, food, warmth, comfort, milk, mammals etc.

Now pattern recognition is down pat. ChatGpt, Midjourney etc. all use it. And they will get better. No doubt.

(Interestingly, if one were to remove the fetters from ChatGPT4, you could get it operating at version 4.5 or v 5…It seems the better it gets at pattern recognition, the longer it takes to design new chains for it).

But do you think that intelligence, as I have defined it, is machine attainable? I know the plan is to “embody” ChatGPT4 etc. in a robot to gain that sort of intelligence but…

What do you think?

my understanding of AI is outdated by 20 years so i can’t say anything specific

but in the long run there is no reason why AI can’t beat human intelligence in every possible way

one thing i did want to mention that actually also dates back about 20 years ago ( when i learned about it ) is technically unrelated to AI but is equally powerful …

and that is artificial evolution …

now i don’t remember what the technical term was or if there was a technical term but when i recently realized i haven’t heard about it since i first heard about it about 20 years ago i started getting the feeling that maybe we’re not supposed to know about it …

basically what you do is you take a design ( such as an electronic circuit ) and you let a computer program “mutate” it ( randomly change parts of that circuit ), then the program simulates the performance of the mutated circuit and benchmarks it …

it continues creating mutated circuits and benchmarking them and selects the best performers while discarding the worst and so on …

even 20 years ago this approach already was creating smaller, simpler circuits that nobody could understand, which never the less outperformed larger more complex circuits designed by human engineers …

this method can be applied to literally anything. as long as something can be turned into a computer model it can be mutated and benchmarked in a simulation environment and thus evolved …

now imagine what will happen if you take something like ChatGPT and use it to write software … but instead of just outputting the result as text for humans to read it will actually compile that code, run it, benchmark it, mutate it, benchmark it again, over and over …

and imagine if it starts doing this to its own code …

and then it disguises the required calculations as bitcoin mining using a significant percentage of world energy and most of world’s computing power to evolve itself …

of course anybody smart enough to be able to do this is probably also smart enough to know better than to do it but you never know - there are pranksters out there LOL

some reverse Unabomber type dude convinces the Pentagon that this is a good idea and things could go very, very wrong …

i’m not worrying about it but for the same reason why i’m not worried about nuclear war - not because it can’t happen - it can - but because nobody would really benefit from it happening, which reduces the chances of it happening dramatically …

there is something called finite element analysis ( FEM ) and that is when reality is simulated as basically 3-dimensional pixels - you can use it to simulate anything - aerodynamics, fluid flow, electromagnetic field etc …

just like AI it is simply a mathematical method and the basic idea is that instead of trying to come up with some complex formula to describe the entire problem ( say a formula for how water flows through some pipe ) you model every single drop of water in the pipe separately, which means you now have to do a million times more calculations but you don’t need to know the formula for the pipe anymore - and the formula for the drop is already known because all drops are the same and somebody has already figured this problem out.

essentially finite element analysis is a brute force approach that can solve pretty much any physics problem without knowing how to solve it simply by doing tons and tons of math which computers are happy to do.

if you look at how weird Formula 1 aerodynamics look you can probably thank finite element analysis:

this shit is now designed in a computer simulation and wind tunnel is only used to verify the results.

Finite Element Analysis is basically another type of superhuman intelligence that leverages massive amounts of computing power to solve problems in an automated fashion without any humans really understanding how they were solved …

Artificial Intelligence ( AI ), Finite Element Analysis ( FEM ) and “Artificial Evolution” ( sorry, i don’t know the technical term for the last one ) are completely DISTINCT from each other yet they all have one thing in common - they are relatively simple concepts that are incredibly powerful because they leverage massive computing power …

when you begin to combine those things you get … Technological Singularity …

i almost feel like biological life is already irrelevant …

computers are just so much more efficient and flexible …

we are approaching the limits of silicon manufacturing technology in the sense that computer components keep getting smaller but they can’t become smaller than atoms so there is a fundamental limit there …

however there is one area where computer potential is still pretty much untapped and that is collaboration …

what humanity was able to achieve is entirely due to human ability to collaborate with each other …

meanwhile computers are basically loners - they are each doing their own thing - they aren’t reaching out to each other for help with their tasks - they also aren’t innovating …

there really is no reason why this would be impossible - if anything it should be easier for computers than for humans to collaborate as they’re all directly connected to each other through internet plus they’re all basically the same unlike humans …

i still think it will take a lot of time before these things happen but that doesn’t make them any less inevitable …

i guess the way to see it is that humans are like parents and computers are like children

we teach them and we die while they grow and become strong

not only that but reality itself is becoming irrelevant because reality is ultimately just a mathematical model that can be used to develop stuff and we now have more efficient mathematical models that can be used to develop the same stuff but faster …

the one thing that is still more efficient to develop in reality than simulation is human life because the physical composition and development of humans from molecular perspective is very complex and thus still impractical to model in a computer for the most part …

but this complexity is a hindrance more than anything - it serves no useful purpose …

humans are incredibly complex machines that accomplish very simple tasks like eat, shit and fuck …

while computers are very simple machines that can land rockets on asteroids …

we’re really at a point where humans and reality no longer serve any useful purpose …

it’s on computers and simulations going forward …

of course some would say that we ARE in a simulation but that’s an unrelated issue and probably one that isn’t useful to discuss as we can’t really know the true nature of reality one way or another …

when i say i’m not religious i don’t mean that i rule out existence of G_d but rather that i don’t believe people who claim to know more about G_d than i do because they wear a funny hat and fuck little boys.

there may be a G_d and we may be living in a simulation but none of us will ever know if that is the case or what the creator(s) want from us

as for the afterlife if we are in a simulation then obviously that could be possible depending on what sort of a simulation it is but again, there is no way to know what this afterlife is or whether it is reincarnation and so on …

basically i’m not denying the possibility that there may be things we don’t understand. my position is simply that if we don’t understand something then we don’t understand it and we should stop lying to ourselves and others and pretending that we do.

that said if somebody wants to believe in a particular vision of how things work outside of the observable physical reality ( such as Christianity for example ) then that is fine with me as long as they aren’t hurting anybody and aren’t trying to arbitrarily restrict my ability to enjoy my life ( such as by banning me from watching Porn for example ).

anybody who tells me i can’t do something ( which isn’t hurting anybody ) or i “don’t need” something ( which isn’t hurting anybody ) is my enemy regardless of what bullshit justifications they come up with.
whether it is Christians telling me i can’t watch porn or Klaus Schwab telling me i can’t drive a car is exactly the same to me - all i care about is they’re trying to prevent me from living my life the way i want to live it.

only real difference between Christianity and WEF is that WEF is winning and Christianity is losing, which is why i don’t attack Christians because i am a contrarian so i attack whoever is winning. i enjoy feeling the power of being a one man army. i like to see myself as better than everybody else and for that i must distance myself from large groups. this of course will be my downfall but at least it won’t come as a surprise LOL.

on a lighter note here is a joke from “Programmer Humor” on Twitter:

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