as i said before it’s cradle to grave.
Disney and Nickelodeon have been sexualizing children for a while ( Miley Cyrus etc ), with their audience having as many pedophiles as actual children … but now they have decided this isn’t enough and they will also push homosexual and other deviant agenda …
So it starts with cartoons, then continues in school, then with TV and it’s everything in between like Video Games and so on.
If it was any one or two or three things we could point our finger at them and say THIS is the problem. But because it’s EVERYTHING there is nothing to point our finger at and we assume that’s just how it’s supposed to be.
The brain mathematically is just an averaging machine. It averages all the inputs, and saves the mean value as “normal” value.
the word “normal” literally means average.
concepts like “good” and “evil” are arbitrary. all the brain can really do is average inputs.
when all the inputs are controlled ( and they are ) the “normal” will be whatever the elites decide it should be.
i don’t really know anybody except myself and people like Robert Greene, Nietzsche etc who are really above just passively accepting the environment as how it should be. people who actually study why things are the way they are instead of simply wishing they would stay the way they were before ( Conservatives ) or become what their “educators” told them they should be ( Liberals ).
as for using this power to shape men for better instead of worse … well what is “better” ? did you ever ask yourself where your ideas of good and evil come from ? they were given to you by the same people whose every word is a lie.
in fact these powers ARE already used to make men “better” ( whatever that means ! ). it’s just that it’s not YOUR idea of better but THEIRS.
the good news is THEIR idea of “better” is closer to reality than yours, because your ideas are mostly their lies anyway
you may have gotten your ideas from teachers, friends, family, church etc … but they also all got their ideas elsewhere … and if you trace these ideas all the way to their origins … they are all lies.
you judge everything by comparing it against these lies you hold dear to your heart and wonder why don’t elites design the world based on the same lies they taught me ? well because it would literally make zero sense.
as i explained here:
everything that is said is a lie and opposite of the truth. everything people believe is the opposite of the truth.
elites build the word based on objective reality while we judge them based on our delusions they gave us. this is why we think the elites are evil.
wait … but aren’t they going to kill us all ?
they certainly are !
but what makes you think that’s a bad thing ?
you just think this is bad because you believe that life is a gift from god … but who told you that ?
they did ! ( back when their preferred method of control was through Church, before they invented public schools and television )
the rift we see in society, the generational divide between Old-Farts supporting Trump and college kids worshipping Obama is nothing more than a war between people believing the old lies and people believing the new lies. All these lies were given to them by the same liars.
it’s like when back in the day Christians and Muslims used to slaughter each other during “Crusades” etc. over the question of who has a better imaginary friend in the sky.
It is literally no different today.
people are dumb animals always were and always will be.
sometimes they just need to be culled, like now.
you’re basically asking why don’t we teach the cows to play the violin instead of turning them into cheeseburgers ? because we don’t need cows to play the violin. we need them turned into cheeseburgers. that’s why.
the one-arm old-guy in Snowpiercer is basically a grifter like Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson etc. he has a secure position by leading the resistance for the benefit of the Elites.
it can be hard to tell who is a grifter like that and who is a genuine moron, but probably anybody who makes millions is a grifter and anybody who lives in a college dorm or a nursing home is a moron.
grifters simply tell people what people want to hear ( we are winning ! blah blah blah ) while pretending to “reveal” something ( the other side is EVIL ! ) while actually revealing nothing ( no mention of Jews etc ).
of course the people on Gab do talk about Jews … they are neither Grifters nor Morons - they are VIRTUE SIGNALERS.
as for myself … i’m just in it to feel superior to everybody else by pointing out how delusional everybody else is.