this map comes to you from none other than World Economic Forum !
in the article the also mention that Africa population is projected to increase to over 4 billion by end of the century - which is more than half of today’s total world population.
no worries - i am sure Ireland and Italy can handle 4 billion immigrants.
and here is population density by nation, which will help you understand the previous graph:
the reason i post these is because they show you why Texas, Florida and Carolinas are the fastest growing regions in America.
because they match the climate of the most densely populated regions of the planet.
the only reason to live in any other climate regions is if you are concerned about getting killed by hostile tribes, such as Niggers.
in the old days people used to spread out not only to avoid getting killed by homeys but also in search of untapped resources in the north.
but today all natural resources are being used no matter the latitude - because mining and farming are done by huge machines they require little human labor and that frees people to live in parts of he world with favorable climate and simply have raw materials shipped from wherever they are mined.
so we are now witnessing human population returning to latitude bands from where humanity originated to begin with such as Egypt and Mesopotamia.
the corresponding area in US for this is basically Texas.
there is something else new today though and that is air conditioning.
AC not only cools - it also dehumidifies.
Which means we can now enjoy comfort in areas that were previously too humid, such as …
this is why Florida is basically the fastest growing state when you exclude illegal immigration across the Mexico border which makes California look like it’s growing fast when actually everybody is leaving that state ( but more Mexicans are coming than Americans leaving ).
Texas is getting a lot of transplants from California while Florida is getting transplants from North East
but there are more people in NE than California which keeps Florida better fed than Texas
by white people anyway
Texas is very well fed by Mexican Illegals even after half of them are bussed to NYC straight from the border
and here is Citrus map:
Citrus is the primary source of Vitamin C which, unlike what carnivores claim, humans need.
pretty good correlation with population density. could be a coincidence of course since there are other sources of vitamin C such as berries.
there is a possibility however that it is NOT a coincidence.
perfect human diet is basically meat + citrus.