People Who Actually Get It

the tweet below is sarcastic:

but if you think about it - this is what City Planners unironically want people to believe.

they want you to think that parking lots can consume the entire surface of the planet.

because if you don’t believe that you don’t really have a reason to oppose parking lots.

a video shows a gigantic bike path used by nobody next to cars stuck in traffic because their lanes were converted into said bike path:

the “video camera study” probably either observed that cars broke the speed limit more often than bicycles or that car drivers were more often on the phone than cyclists … and from there they extrapolated the rest …

it’s funny how Urbanists simultaneously claim it is an advantage of bicycles that you don’t need a license to operate them … but also that cyclists somehow break fewer traffic laws … even though they aren’t even required to know those laws nor face any consequences for breaking them … unlike car drivers who must pass a test, pay fines and possibly lose the license …

it is of course a joke. cyclists don’t just break traffic laws they don’t even know what those laws are and do not care and why should they ? they never risk fines or losing their license …

there are two take home points here:

1 - ( already mentioned ) is that Urbanists ( and TBH everybody else as well ) always lie …
2 - studies and “science” in general can be made to show whatever WEF wants it to show …

and of course on this issue of Urbanism we as a humanity are facing a unified front of professional liars at every level from NGOs, governments, media, professors and so on … it is the same as how it was with Race, Immigration, Sex, so-called Holocaust, so-called Climate Change and on and on …

I’m not like that liberal faggot @kanyewest. I love cars and love the suburbs and hate the WEF. We can all agree about something for once.

to be clear though i am not a “conservative” - i oppose all ideologies.

essentially all g_ds are false, but i’m not going to beat a dead horse by attacking fallen ones.

i disagree with conservatives on most accounts but WEF is already doing a great job trashing them and doesn’t need my help in doing so.

on other hand few are doing adequate job of trashing the WEF which is why i had to step in to lend a helping hand :slight_smile:

yes the WEF has some vocal critics such as:


but they don’t discuss some of the finer points that are of interest to me …

for example i never heard them mention that many people will have allergic reactions to EATING ZE BUGS - they merely try to get people morally outraged about EATING ZE BUGS because it isn’t a western tradition to do so …

essentially their message is emotionally charged and aimed at people of average intelligence who can only think in terms of " this is not how we do things around here " which is to say, who do not think at all …

No disagreements here. I just want to be left alone to drive around in my F150.

fighting offensively results in death 90% of the time.

fighting defensively results in defeat 99% of the time.

in theory it is possible that everybody else will kill each other and you remain the only one left by avoiding fighting.

in practice those with power subjugate ( sometimes exterminate ) those without power and nobody is handed power on a platter.

in the long term it is those who fight offensively who win. but fighting offensively requires exponentially more intelligence than fighting defensively.

so really what wins isn’t the fighting itself but intelligence and offensive fighting merely determines who possesses real intelligence and who is merely faking it.

furthermore being “left alone” is a luxury only those with absolute power have.

i don’t really see any chance of surviving WEF holocaust but so long as we aren’t completely silenced YET we would be stupid not to use our voice …

Elon Musk paid $44 Billion ( for Twitter ) to have a voice …

most people do nothing with the voice they have …

because they have nothing to say …

even as they are marched to the slaughterhouse …

most Chess Champions are Jews

even Andrew Tate is a fan of chess ( and possibly a Jew LARPing as Muslim )

i don’t play Chess but i understand how it is a metaphor for the game Jews play

Chess is an offensive game where the goal is to enslave your competitor

in practice Jews won this game by enslaving White People

i’m a Jew by blood but my Jew father is a mentally ill sadist so he raised me as a Christian to ensure a life of suffering for me

Christianity is a slave religion invented by Jews to subjugate White People

in fact now that i think of the age old question of “what makes somebody a Jew” … the answer is “a person who plays Chess” … metaphorically speaking …

to play Chess and to be a Jew is the same thing …

anybody who is a Jew learns to play Chess and anybody who knows how to play Chess converts to Judaism …

I love Jews. Jews are awesome.

I am awesome yes, but other Jews are somewhat hit and miss …