More NOSTR adventures ( receiving death threats )

here is what:


had to say to me on NOSTR:

it is definitely the same person on NOSTR and GAB because he has sizeable followings on both and his GAB account promotes his POA.ST account and POA.ST is in the same category of newer, decentralized social media as NOSTR and if they aren’t the same thing then at the very least almost every nationalist on NOSTR is also on POA.ST

so there is absolutely this could be two different people as neither of them ever mentioned being impersonated on other platforms, which is something they would certainly be aware of.

really makes me question why i am trying to help these Christian animals.

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who this person is - is irrelevant.

what is more concerning is this was a larger discussion and everybody took his side ( they all agreed that my entire family should be killed and i should be tortured to death for being a Jew )

well not everybody - one individual tried to argue that my account was satirical / troll account ( that i am not really a Jew basically )

so we’re not talking about one lone nut-job but actually they are all like this, at which point it begs the question - why am i fighting to defend these people ?

i referred to them as “Christian Animals” because specifically discussion was about female promiscuity …

they took the Christian position that women should basically be tied to the radiator making sandwiches …

while i took the position that if you don’t like whores then just don’t date them …

even more specifically the discussion was about a whore who posted a video saying that men who dislike whores aren’t any good in bed …

and the Christian counter-argument was that married couples enjoy sex more than people engaging in casual sex …

since they were all on the same side i decided to play the devil’s advocate and argue the counter-point, basically taking the side of the whore who made the video …

to which “Trevor Goodchild” responded by saying he will kill me and my entire family and all his acolytes joined in in fantasizing about various ways in which they would torture me to death …

is this this “love” that Jesus was talking about ?

i am afraid i am a little bit confused right now …

to be honest with you i was getting ready to turn on Christians even before this incident.

when i posted another Trans porno yesterday i already was thinking about how i have had it with their shit.

then i went to troll them on NOSTR and they said they were going to kill me …

you know all this time i tried to be compassionate to Christians because we Jews are destroying them and i don’t like to kick somebody when they are down …

but they crossed the line.

and i am not the type of person to forgive or forget.

the only thing that was keeping me from fully turning on Christians was our poaster @marlon being a Christian believer.

but this a variation of NAXALT ( Not All X Are Like That ) fallacy …

like pointing to one intelligent black person, such as Candace Owens or Thomas Sowell and saying see ? not all Niggers are dumb animals !

yes not, all. just 90% of them.

and ultimately you can pontificate about this until you’re blue in the face and you won’t get anywhere until you get jumped by a pack of Niggers.

THEN suddenly things will become a lot clearer !

i’m done treating Christians with baby gloves dancing around their feelings.

@marlon hasn’t posted in a while anyway - this was another factor in pushing me closer to the point of throwing Christians under a bus

@marlon was their last hope and he has failed them by neglecting to poast enough recently LOL

now they’re going to get it big time …

all this time i was compromising my intellectual integrity to protect the feelings of the group who want to torture me to death and kill my entire family ?

from now on i will just say it how it is point blank.


and i’m not saying that we Jews don’t deserve to all get killed …

if you know most people well enough everybody deserves to get killed …

in the end it’s not about good people vs bad people ( that’s a delusion ) but about us versus them …

i used to think “us” was “based edgelords” until they turned on me unable to take my jokes about them …

now i will have to re-think who “us” really is …

at the end of the day all i have is myself and the truth - i can never count on anybody being on my side - not Christians or Jews, not Friends or Family …

it is just me, my intelligence and the truth …

This is an illustration of why you wouldn’t want them in power again. Perhaps the reason we have so many excesses today is because Christians ran civilization for 1000+ years and everything got too repressed. Not that degeneracy is great either, but people tend to do the opposite of things they don’t like. The main reason to avoid whores is I don’t want to get disease or put up with their mental illness, not that they aren’t fun. The main reason not to want Christians in power is that too many of them are like the ones you talked about here, and we already have a long history to show what happens when they run things. I don’t care to go back to that, even if I don’t like the WEF vision much either. Not that we have much power to change things anyway.

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yeah it’s not so much what order you live under but where you are in that order.

In my experience the people who are obsessed with Jews are Jews themselves

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lllloooll annddd thats how youve joined the darkside… hahah :slight_smile: anyway that guy is a cretin just from the opposite spectrum.

that idiot is doing more damage than good for the “movement”

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what happened is i was getting under his skin with my trolling until he snapped.

i was just trying to get some traction on a new platform by randomly commenting on people’s conversations and i recognized his account from GAB so i followed him and was commenting on his posts.

but you know my style i can’t just make small talk and compliments and such - whenever i say anything it is usually to correct somebody, fact-check them so to speak.

on GAB large accounts like his are protected from smaller accounts like me by the army of followers but on NOSTR he was relatively exposed to my criticism and few people can defend themselves against my attacks …

by that i mean that even when i’m simply trying to have a conversation the people on the other side perceive what i say as attacks because i am constantly questioning them and proving them wrong at every step so eventually they start fighting back …

but their fighting back only gives me license to finally say what i was holding back that entire time because i didn’t want to hurt their feelings too much …

at some point he felt like a cornered rat and had no choice but to start hurling threats otherwise he would be seen as a cuck for allowing me to continue belittling him …

essentially NOSTR requires a bit of an adjustment because there is no “block” on NOSTR - only “mute”

also you can’t report a note on NOSTR, you can only add a warning to it …

which means that instead of getting blocked and reported you will receive threats …

i unfollowed him and made an adjustment to how i interact with people on NOSTR …

that is to say i have to keep in mind they can’t block me so i have to be a bit less abusive than i would normally be on a platform like Twitter where i would just torment people until they block me …

so NOSTR is more like the real world in that sense as compared to Twitter. you don’t need to worry about getting banned from the platform but that might mean you may have to be a little bit more adult because nobody is going to supervise you like a child …