Love Lies Bleeding ( 2024 )

4 stars

well this was not what i expected

i expected this to be some kind of a “Rocky” style movie, and in fact at one point Jackie is mockingly called “Rocky” in the movie, but it is nothing like that …

it also isn’t some cheap, sleazy masturbation fodder as you might expect from the poster …

in fact the bodybuilder chick on the poster isn’t even the main character - Kristen Stewart is the main character.

it’s kind of crazy Stewart isn’t on the poster, but i actually think she was perfect for the role …

the movie it most reminds me of is “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” ( 1998 )

the biggest difference being the Lesbian Love Scenes which are actually pretty decent.

Kristen Stewart’s character is a Lesbian who doesn’t work out ( she is gym manager ) yet still looks very fit in nude scenes. She isn’t supposed to be attractive - she dresses like a man in the movie - and i actually think this look fits her. She is kind of like Elliot Page except she still has her tits, which are actually not that bad.

( image below is from the red carpet premiere of “Love Lies Bleeding” )

the Latina Bodybuilder chick has much nicer tits of course, because she is the “hot” one.

anyway the movie is fun, hot and a bit schizophrenic - OK a lot schizophrenic.

the movie is set in the 80s probably because that was the golden era of bodybuilding - today bodybuilders are too hideous to look at.

you will like “Love Lies Bleeding” if you want a fun schizo movie about lesbians - otherwise you will not like it.

i have to respect the sheer absurdity of this movie.

4 stars.

i know it seems like i gave every movie 4 stars recently but that’s just a coincidence. on MovieLens i still have ratings spanning 0.5 stars ( lowest rating possible ) to 5 stars ( highest possible ). so i am not just giving every single movie 4 stars.

i just feel like “love lies bleeding” is good fun, hot at times, retarded at times, serious at times, good entertainment overall.

for me anyway, but i think bodybuilders chicks are hot and most of us can probably relate to Kristen Stewart’s character - even if we may not be Lesbians - we still have a lot of the same struggles, though thankfully not all of them !