this is good stuff LOL.
Good, Intelligent people will go extinct and get replaced by AI.
Intelligent but evil people will convert to Judaism.
Beautiful but dumb children will be used as sex toys.
Everybody else will be eaten.
my favorite part how by now most people understand they were lied to while also knowing that not a single person will go to prison and simultaneously believing they live in a free country
it’s like most people understand deep state killed JFK then killed his brother and everybody else who was involved … but they still go to Vote and think it makes a difference
nobody reads studies bro. even i don’t. they just say “studies show” … reality is you can design a study to show anything you want. you can cheat in any number of ways. smart people can catch your cheating but they won’t be able to explain your cheating to the average person because the average person doesn’t have the IQ to pass a statistics class let alone have actual knowledge of statistics. the average person has no choice but to accept expert opinion - they have neither time, intelligence nor education to read and analyze a study.
as i said i don’t read studies either, but i have seen a few studies taken down by rigorous analysis so at least i have an idea of what sort of trickery is usually involved in getting the study to find whatever makes those who have funded it happy.
i also know how the studies get funded. billionaires donate to their own charitable organizations to avoid paying taxes, then their charitable organizations fund studies that conclude whatever these billionaires do or are invested into is a good thing … they can always add more layers of abstraction to these scams if it helps confuse the average member of the public as to how “science” really works …
but ultimately the only source of income for scientists is the money government and rich people give them. scientists don’t produce anything except opinions so their opinions go to the highest bidder, because if your study fails to produce the “correct” findings next time you don’t get funding and you’re out on the street.
professors have very cozy jobs but to get them they must show the university that they can secure funding for studies … so the entire system of academia / science / education depends on studies producing the “correct” results, which is to say whatever those who fund the studies want you to find.
in other words science is just a formality and all it does is determine which ideas have the best funding.
but it’s so far above the intelligence of average person that all they can do is worship it as they would a G_d.
the basic game of politics never changes. buy off the stupid either with false promises or with their own money. throw in some fear, some us vs them dynamic and so on.
i wonder why they don’t teach any of this stuff in school LOL.
the number one thing schools teach is … importance of education !
just like the number one thing parents teach is importance of loving your parents …
get “educated” trust the “experts” believe the “science” vote and pay taxes.
and don’t think too much. you’re not a conspiracy theorist are you ?