the movie is such an extreme mix of really bad and really great filmmaking that i am not going to give it a star rating
the movie is extremely cringe … but also it is an absolute classic
and it sexualizes the shit out of 12 year old Natalie Portman
and Natalie Portman looked like a child even through her 30s so frankly she looks TOO young, even for my taste in this movie … but that’s kind of intentional in the film …
i can only say that it is a really bad movie that is also a must watch
three years later Luc Besson directed The Fifth Element
which has exactly the same mix of really bad and really great film making, minus the pedo angle … although Milla Jovovich was certainly really cute in it
if you seen the 5th Element expect the same mix of romance, action and humor although i would say Leon is darker and edgier whereas 5th Element is more light hearted …
i can see on IMDB Leon gets 8.5 versus 7.5 for 5th Element and i think that’s fair - as much as people like Alien Sex they like Pedo stuff more ! basically 12 year old Natalie Portman edges Prime Milla Jovovich.