I may be banned from Twitter, but

think of what motivates somebody to speak.

is it the truth bursting out of them ?

or is it desire to influence others ?

and if it is the latter, and if we’re dealing with largely a zero sum game where we ultimately compete for women and other resources - would you want to influence somebody so that they can win, or so that they can lose - and you can win yourself ?

words, thus, are like bullets. they aren’t something to be embraced with open arms but to shield yourself from at the very least.

and ideally we should silence anybody who is trying to speak and do all the talking ourselves.

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if you want to get more precise you then start to think of in-group vs out-group, the different economic and social classes, different age groups / generations, and so on …

every single individual and every group lies as much as they can get away with and uses those lies to attack everybody else …

but because these ideas have to survive in a common battleground the weak ones die, or rather the ones backed by those who are weak die …

who is weak ? the children. their ideas ( such that they are being abused by parents and teachers ) are deemed worthless since they lack the power to back those ideas.

and so on.

“common knowledge” is really survival of the fittest lies, or rather survival of the lies with the most powerful backers.

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You would make a fine boss. This is what they do all the time.

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Though you seem a bit too detached, a bit too independent to be the boss.
There is a certain pleasure they derive from having all their minions in attendance, hanging onto their every utterance.

i like it when i make people understand something.

it is extremely difficult to do.

try to make a normie understand that Israel did 911 for example.

good luck LOL.

people fight to protect their illusions.

whether the illusion is their faith in their family, government, G_d or anything else without which they cannot imagine their life.

i mostly focus on government here because i think the audience is not ready for the other stuff …

but the average normie is as cucked by government as most people on Gab are cucked by family and G_d, so while we can laugh at them from a distance we can’t really change their minds and if we tried they would fight - LITERALLY.

i LITERALLY had my face broken for talking about someone’s family when i was drunk. and i would expect the same type of reaction if i talked about people’s religion. and with Normies it would be not far off if you attacked their other dogmas.

so yeah i like to make people see things but at the same time it is basically impossible - you will be physically assaulted before you will be thanked.

actually this begs the question - can you be an intellectual if there is a single belief without holding which you cannot imagine your life ?

reality is most people couldn’t even comprehend what i am asking here …

for example if i tell them that family is a social construct they will just call me a Jew rather than recognize they can’t imagine their life without believing that family is something real …

and if a person is not physically capable of changing their opinion on a subject - is there value in talking to them ?

of course when you completely open your mind like me you get called a G_dless Kike … which, technically is accurate …

but at the same time also proves my point for me that those people aren’t worth my time …

having a meaningful conversation is virtually impossible. most people don’t know that because they never even tried.

i have been trying for decades … without much success LOL

Take the “your wife is a fat whore” red pill


everybody likes to act like they can handle the truth but very few people actually can.

if you put limits on what truths you are willing to accept then we have nothing to talk about.

either you are willing to accept anything i can prove to be true or the debate is a waste of my time.

what is the point of a “debate” where the other side has already decided to reject certain conclusions even if they are undeniably true ?

it’s like playing with somebody for money when you know they don’t have the money and if you win they will simply shoot you.

but most debates are exactly like this.

Dorsey’s followers seem to like my tweets more than his:

Not really surprising though as he isn’t a natural born Troll like me.

and as a public figure it isn’t like he can say what he thinks …

which begs the question - why is he on NOSTR ?

the answer of course is to promote it …

and for this i thank him.

think i’m going to go to sleep.

leaving you with this:

i am too tired to come up with a good response today. she obviously knows a lot more about this stuff than me so if i’m going to try to BS my way out of this i have to at least be fully conscious.