what this ban means.
you can still discuss religion CRITICALLY and even encouraged to do so.
what you can’t do is claim that any of the world’s religions are true.
to clarify even further - i am not saying that G_d doesn’t exist. he might. or we may be living in a simulation like the Matrix - who knows.
nobody knows. that’s the entire point.
the issue isn’t whether G_d exists or not. the issue is people claiming to have a special relationship with this G_d and intimate knowledge of what this G_d really wants you to do and how he will punish you if you don’t do what these people say and so on …
frankly, i would stuff all these people into the wood chipper if it was up to me.
but it’s not - the best i can do is to gag them on my site.
all religions will be treated equally here - all equally banned.
you can and should still talk about all religions but from the perspective of what their effect is on the world, not " we have to do this because this is what G_d wants us to do ! "
we absolutely MUST discuss religions because for better or worse they control the world.
but anybody speaking of an organized religion as if it was anything but a scam will be banned.
you can still believe in G_d and afterlife and all that - you can believe what you want.
but you can’t promote organized mass-murder, genital mutilation and extortion cults ( which is what religions are ) on my site.
i will make an exception for Paganism because it isn’t an organized religion.
Christianity has the Bible and Churches
Islam has the Koran and Mosques
Judaism has Talmud and Torah and Synagogues and Yeshiva
Paganism doesn’t have anything so it doesn’t fit the definition of organized religion and is thus allowed.