Elon Musk has 8 Kids
Negroes in Africa have 6 Kids
Normal light skin people have on average just over 1 Kids.
just visualize a bell curve meme where the middle of the bell curve is headed towards extinction … but both elites and subhumans are multiplying like rabbits.
there have been predictions in the past from elite-adjacent folks that humanity will split in two - and it seems to be happening
there will be a goblin slave species of squatemalans
and a species of descendants of folks like Elon Musk, British Royals, Klaus Schwab etc …
it will be like White Pharaohs and Black Slaves in Egypt all over again …
in the past races were based on geographic location - a race for Africa, a race for Amercias, a race for Europe, a race for Australia, a race for Asia etc …
of course once it became possible to circumnavigate the planet and later to fly from any point on earth to any other point this geographic concept of race was done …
in the future it is replaced with a caste system based on socioeconomic status and overall genetic quality ( tall, thin, intelligent, pale vs short, fat, dumb, dark )
will it be a continuum of castes from Alpha Plus to Epsilon Minus as in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” ? or will it be two distinct races as in H. G. Wells’ “Time Machine” ?
perhaps it will be something in-between those scenarios. a continuum but thinner in the middle - less like a bell curve and more like an Eiffel Tower with a thin waist - a virtually nonexistent middle class.