Dune Part Two

3 stars out of 5

first of all obviously don’t watch Part Two if you haven’t seen the first part.

secondly, and this will be somewhat of a spoiler, and i know this is the “no spoilers” section of the forum … so if you absolutely don’t want any spoilers then stop reading here, but i feel i should mention it …

Part Two is not the last part … the saga does NOT end with Part Two …

this was my biggest disappointment with Part 2 just as it was with Part One …

When i watch a movie nearly 3 hours long i expect the story to come to some catharsis at the end - i don’t care if good guys win or lose - i just want the story to end so i can move on with life - no such luck with Dune.

Quite the opposite in fact - in fact the very last word in Dune 2 is “Begins” …

so after 2 hr 35 min of Dune 1 and 2 hr 46 min of Dune 2 you get to the point where something “Begins” … what a fucking ripoff !

aside from that Dune 2 has similar feel to Dune 1 which means

1 - you get your standard Denis Villeneuve cinematic shots that are very nice and frankly ask for a screen bigger than my 75" … i felt like maybe 100" screen would be more appropriate for this movie.

2 - you get your typical Dune power struggles / scheming

3 - you get Paul Atreides character arc continue to evolve

4 - some characters die, some new characters appear, some appear and die, some old characters come back from the dead ( figuratively speaking )

5 - you get some revelations about Paul’s bloodline as in any good soap opera

6 - you get some relatively tame romance stuff

7 - you get lots of action, some of it well done, most of it idiotic

8 - and of course some superhero nonsense and usual hollywood BS that movies designed for teenagers should have

the movie is PG-13 which means they are going for the BIG BUCKS because teenagers are the demographic that goes to the movie theaters.

as with the first Dune there are some premium, almost oscar-worthy touches in terms of beautiful shots, the acting is pretty good, and the power struggles / scheming might have a feel of a more serious movie but deep down it’s a superhero movie for teenagers …

but the biggest issue is the sheer time commitment - more than 5 hours between the first two parts just to get to “Begins” … i’m not telling you what “Begins” so as not to spoil anything … but Part 3 is certainly coming.

and it’s not just the hours you spend watching - those are quite pleasurable - it’s the 3 years we waited from Part 1 to Part 2 and now we will have to wait even more for part 3 - this is bait and switch.

i enjoyed Part 2, in fact i watched it twice, but i can’t accept the different parts coming so many years apart. they should have come at most 1 year apart.

3 stars out of 5.

PS: i didn’t do a separate review for Part 1 instead i mentioned it here:

what i said about Part 1 is pretty much still my opinion and applies equally to parts 1 and 2

as for the on-screen love between Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya yeah it’s not super convincing but on the upside Zendaya’s real life boyfriend looks pretty much the same as Timothee Chalamet ( only shorter and less attractive ) so it’s actually less fake than you would expect from Hollywood …

Zendaya is capable of looking desirable but only looks that way in one scene in which Paul is falling in love with her - in most other scenes she just looks like a rat, which is the word Harkonnens use to describe Fremen

So it isn’t so much that Zendaya is ugly but she was asked to play this tough boss babe rather than a sweet little angel … this is what makes Part 2 not really work as a romantic love story … but also it isn’t mean to be. the love between Paul Atreides and Zendaya’s character is only a part of the overall Dune saga so contrary to what you probably heard i don’t think Zendaya ruins this movie.

but yeah there is literally just one scene where Zendaya comes off as a girl you might want to date and in every other scene she is some kind of rabid pit bull …

compare this:

to this ( same person ):

Zendaya isn’t ugly. The movie simply didn’t intend for her to look beautiful.

essentially Hollywood is trying to say we should love people not for the way they look but for who they are.

it is a trend in Hollywood lately where fairly attractive women are cast and then deliberately made to look average. i don’t have a problem with that. i would rather have attractive women looking average than average women looking attractive with the use of make up etc.

Zendaya is more than willing to show skin on the red carpet wearing insane outfits but in the movie she never has anything but basically military gear on without a single inch of skin showing.

it is not Zendaya’s fault that the movie is not sexy. the director simply didn’t want it to be.

the reason i spent so much time on the last point is because we are in a cultural war where the Jews are trying to convince us to date ugly, fat, non-white women and Internet Nazis are trying to convince us that all non-white women are ugly …

the opposite of a wrong isn’t automatically right - it is usually another wrong

democrats and republicans may be “opposite” but they are equally wrong

yes Hollywood is waging war on White Beauty but that doesn’t mean every non-white woman is ugly

i just find it disgusting how unimaginative and predictable and personal the attacks from the Internet Nazis are …

i’m tired of reading every day about how ugly Zendaya is when she isn’t. you’re only saying that she is because:

1 - it fits your narrative
2 - she looks ugly in most of the movie ( on purpose )

i wish we lived in a world where people could break out of narratives and tribal, partisan, mindless shit-slinging where our side ( whichever side it happens to be ) can do no wrong and the other side is always smelly and ugly …

it is so fucking childish. if your analysis and commentary boils down to " the other guys are ugly and they smell " then i am sorry but i am not interested in it and i’m going to mute you.

it makes me sick that this level of “debate” has completely overshadowed any serious discussion of what are questions of life and death of our civilization.