
my Jewish side of family moved to US and my non-Jewish side of family moved to European Union ( both originally from Former Soviet Union ).

Google was founded by a Russian but it was founded in California, not Russia.

all Russian Billionaires live in London.

and so on …

Russia has NOTHING ( no human capital ) except Oil, Gas and Uranium, but globalists refuse to buy those things. Globalists would rather see people riding bicycles and freezing to death.

maybe Russia’s only function is to be a boogeyman like Gaddafi, Fidel Castro or North Korea …

Putin almost certainly doesn’t care about Russia - he cares about his power. Maybe he thought the war would help him hold on to power.

But what then happens to EU countries?
Do they not lose power to the US and Russia respectively?
It seems this war is about dismembering Ukraine, and degrading Europe.

Maybe Russia is merely to be absorbed by China…as their cheap supplier of raw materials…and to be the World’s boogeyman.

I don’t know…how is the EU to get stronger to be that 3rd pole?

why does the EU need to get stronger ?

gross domestic product of EU, US and China is about the same.

US has highest GDP per capita while China has the highest population and EU is in the middle.

if you add Ukraine and Turkey to the EU it gets even bigger.

combined population of Ukraine and Turkey is almost the same as that of Russia.

population of Russia is only slightly bigger than than of Japan - it just looks big on the map - but nobody actually lives there. Canada is big too by land area but is it a superpower ? LOL

i didn’t realize my website uses EXACTLY the same shade of gray as Gab’s dark mode …

GAB screen grab below blends into the page completely …

More fun and games…more shadow and fog…

Russians are about to find out what happens when you blindly follow the leader

the way Germans found out in WW2

the way Ashli Babbit found out on January 6

Looks like a CIA hit though…the Russian separatist story seems unrealistic.

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Europe will be a weak 3rd pole.
Higher energy costs will hurt their (German) productive capacity…even if consumers bear most of the pain.

And then there is this:

haha ! the entire “Eurasia” is getting fucked while Ukrainians party - not bad !

but if Putin turns off the gas to the point of Europeans freezing to death by the thousands - won’t that justify EU invasion of Russia ?

i mean when people start dying en masse - wouldn’t that be tantamount to a military attack ?

EU will have a legitimate argument that they must invade Russia to save their population from certain death.

and it’s not hard to stage a false flag attack and blame it on Putin and not a single person will question it when it’s below freezing in their living room !

Newsweek thinks Putin did it … i honestly have no idea

The FSB were on it quickly…maybe too quickly.
The evidence for it being Putin seems to be wishful thinking.
Dugin agreed to the war and is still in favour…at worst he didn’t like how it was being done.
The article stretches to make its case.
Wouldn’t say it is impossible though…need more facts…

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