i was still on Twitter when Elon claimed the first Cybertruck came off the assembly line …
and here we are months later and it’s coming Next Month …
more or less how Tesla Robotaxis were coming next year for the past 10 years and still not here …
that fucking guy Elon is amazing. he lies so much that even when you’re like me and know everything he says is a lie he still manages to catch you believing something he said, which of course also ends up being a lie.
you just have this stupid idea that well yeah he lies all the time but NOT EVERYTHING he says is a lie - it can’t be right ?
it can ! and it is !
it’s truly amazing.
and people still take everything he says at face value.
why are people like this ?
why do they keep believing people ( Elon ) , groups ( Jews ) and entities ( Government ) which are known to ALWAYS LIE ???
every time Elon says anything it is reported as if it was a fact. why is everybody such a worthless faggot ? why can’t anybody state the obvious that it simply doesn’t matter what Elon says and the CyberTruck will come whenever it comes IF it comes and there is zero point in asking Elon because he will just make up something “aspirational” like he always does.
it’s all so tiresome …
there are people who have been holding reservations for the cybertruck for 4 years now …
Elon knew on day one that it will be like this, but he simply told everybody that CyberTruck is almost ready to go into production because that’s what Elon does. he lies. ALL THE TIME.
i can’t even LOL.
literally what happened is something reminded me of the Cybertruck and i was like wait a minute didn’t Elon lie a few months ago and say that production has started and they had an event and everybody reported the first Cybertruck rolling off the line … how come i haven’t seen any YouTube reviews of it ? so i googled it … it’s still coming Next Month …
unbelievable …
whenever you think he can’t possibly go any lower … he always does anyway …
this is a common mistake people make - they think scumbags have a limit to how low they will go. they don’t.
my father has no limit to his depravity and sadism and Elon doesn’t have a limit to his outrageous lying.
never EVER in your motherfucking life make that mistake.
this is not a mistake you want to make.