Contemporary Music Videos

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couldnā€™t make out anything she was saying or even what language it was in except the title of the track ( уёŠ±Š¾Šŗ ) which roughly translates as ā€œfuckheadā€ from Russian

i feel really old now and sad because America will never be as cool as Russia and i will never again be as dumb as those kids :frowning:

Apashe - Good News

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indeed the resistance is a fashion statement at best.

which is why i wish boomers would stop doing it.

theyā€™re making us look bad LOL.

He has two weaker follow-up songs: Bad News and Fake News.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Contemporary EDM

A post was merged into an existing topic: Contemporary EDM

Something visually interestingā€¦

the video for this track should have been pixar style featuring pink sheep blowing bubble gum while roller skating.

this music video canā€™t decide whether it wants to be dark or pink.

itā€™s throwing off vibes that contradict each other.

the music sounds pink but the video is B&W because the artist thought that would make it stylish but itā€™s not the right style for what heā€™s doing and even aside from color everything contradicts everything else ā€¦

it reminds of this video which i think is bad:

it looks like some kind of a mess but at least everything is equally dark - both the imagery and the sound.

in fact the vibe of the video and audio matches perfectly in case of ā€œkhomusā€ ā€¦ the problem is that the video is too ā€œbusyā€ ā€¦

keep these videos coming !

Another Rhone video then:

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much better.

Rammsteinā€¦We are living in Amerika

i remember showing this video ( Amerika ) to my GF around 2004 ā€¦ she started crying :frowning:

here is Tillā€™s more recent work ( NSFW LOL )

looks like he has been evolving in the same direction as me only since heā€™s rich and famous instead of porn he can use high class whores ā€¦


because we are in a world of shit.

Cā€™mon! She didnā€™t say that!
What did she say?
What tormented her so badly?

she didnā€™t say anything. the reaction didnā€™t surprise me at all. i thought it was a completely normal reaction. i think it may have been our first date and if she had any other reaction i probably wouldnā€™t have messaged her again ( we met online ).

i never really dated soul-less American women. whatā€™s the point ? i would rather masturbate.

i expect girls to be young and emotional and not corrupted by Americanism ( she was off the boat from Ukraine ) or iā€™m not interested.

granted she faked most of her emotions, still, an average American woman canā€™t even do that.

most women are frankly disgusting to talk to, which is why i donā€™t talk to them.

i wonder what do American women imagine they bring to the table ? why do they think anybody might want them ?

stupid, fat, shallow - all they care about is sex and money.

iā€™ll take porn over that anyday.

Yes!! :+1: :grinning:

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