ARCGIS race in US dot density map

ah yes the best map of all time is back !

you can open the legend on the upper right of the screen, but for it to render colors correctly you must disable forcing of dark mode in Chrome Flags menu.

color dots on dark background is by far the best way to show race. i have previously used the map from but luckily it stopped working today forcing me to look for an alternative and finding THIS - which is WAY better !

the more traditional ( non dot ) map can’t show density and all the colors just mix together. with dot map everything is clear. and dark background makes it easy on the eyes.


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Great map. I actually found out some new things about my own metro area from studying it in fact. For instance it helped me understand why there is one part of the city I can still go to and feel fine in (it’s mostly white). Unrelated but funny, I also found out my cousin who I don’t talk to anymore lives in that same area, LOL. She is a half-Jewish shitlib (the Jewish side are not blood relatives but I do have half-Jew cousins, yes) who was never coming back from NYC but now she’s living back here with her simp software engineer husband after all, in the whitest part of the big city.

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that’s why Rob K. Henderson calls them “luxury beliefs”

the affluent whites graduating from top universities can afford to believe that all races are equal because they always live in the most expensive neighborhoods which are always the whitest

because white flight is a thing and when you sell your old home you depress values in that dark area you’re leaving and when you buy a new one you boost values in the light area you’re moving to.

good stores and everything else that is good also leaves dark areas. and the schools in dark areas are ruined.

then the affluent liberal white women just tell their husband " i want a home in an area with good shops and good schools and low crime " and the husband relays that to the real estate agent along with seven figure budget and they get a home in 95% white neighborhood while the wife continues to tell everybody how horrible racism is …

meanwhile the poor white who actually have to deal with non-whites and immigrants in the only neighborhoods they can afford to live in are deemed “ignorant” when they complain about getting robbed, raped or murdered.

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