Age of consent is insanity squared

age of consent is really an intersection of two retarded ideas

1 - that sex is a sin
2 - that children are innocent

when you multiply those two outrageously idiotic ideas you get age of consent

really it isn’t enough to just go after the age of consent itself - we have to go after those individual components of the myth as well



unless of course by innocence you mean virginity in which case it becomes completely circular where virginity just has to be maintained forever and for no reason other than its own sake and everybody is forced to become a nun

which is pretty much what “conservatives” ( Boomers ) want.

their logic is if we can’t enjoy sex ( because we are old and ugly ) then nobody should be able to enjoy it.

This is why I don’t always agree with blaming the Jews, because they are not the only problem. Jews are natural subversives and their actions are often motivated by evil intentions. But in some cases, they have beneficial side effects, as in the case of subverting Western sexual morality which, let’s face it, has been dysfunctional and filled with bad ideas since the Christian era.

Arguably the worst thing right now we have already figured out on this forum – what should be normal things (as is the case in tribal societies) like younger women getting married and having children is effectively illegal in the West today. Fertility has been destroyed for a number of reasons but a big one is that women don’t pair off until they’re well past their prime and have fewer children in any case. There’s a pretty short window for optimum fertility and women aren’t hitting it in most cases.

I’m not sure how to “fix” this but going along with this dysfunctional BS is the opposite of fixing it. Ideally, for the sake of the survival of the white race, age of consent would be gotten rid of. So too should monogamy as it makes no sense in the real world. But of course things like this are socially conditioned and normies wouldn’t go along with that scale of change in a short time. It has to be introduced more gradually on a wide scale. But at least normalizing earlier marriage (marriage is not the same as monogamy) or even just pregnancy would be step in the right direction. We just about have the worst of all worlds right now.

For the most part, conservatives and Boomers appear to be gatekeepers and enforcers of some of the worst trends in our time.

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unfortunately the goyim are dumb animals who have no capacity to self govern. left to their own devices they burn scientists alive for saying that the earth rotates around the sun, or go to “holy crusades” against the Muslims because they worship the wrong magic man.

when i was a kid growing up in G-dless soviet union i thought surely people cannot be this stupid ? then i came to America and …


the thing about western sexual morality is nobody knows what it actually is. because the Kings always enjoyed courtesans and mistresses and of course my favorite provision where the King has the right to sleep with any bride before the husband does, which in all honesty they probably never used because they had better options.

and this whole age of consent thing was never a thing either. Jesus’s mother got pregnant when she was 12. the girl in Lolita is 12. the girl in “The Pretty Baby” is 12.

i mean it’s almost like there is some kind of a pattern here

then at some point somebody decided that it’s time to end the white race and overnight ( i wasn’t there, but i am pretty sure this happened overnight ) everybody started screeching that " a child cannot consent ! ! ! "

because i notice that’s how it happens. somebody begins to chant something and overnight everybody chants the same thing, no matter how little sense it makes.

for example during covid it was “stay the fuck home” - it was a very en vogue thing to say.

and today it is en vogue to say that when a 15 year old boy has sex with an older woman he has been raped. this is supposed to be about equality since we already accept the reverse - that a 15 year old girl having sex with older man is rape.

nobody can stop for a second and think - why are we fighting for this sort of equality ? you don’t see feminists fighting for the right to work in coal mines for the sake of equality. congratulations - our side is now officially stupider than feminists.

you can get dumb animals to chant anything you want. they will chant “diversity is our strength” or “support our troops” or whatever you tell them to chant. and that’s what happened with “a child cannot consent to sex” - it’s just one of those things everybody repeats because they expect a pat on the back every time they repeat it, same as with all the other slogans.

that isn’t the worst thing. the worst thing is that it is applied exclusively to white men. it does not apply to Muslim Immigrants for example who continue to marry 13 year old girls in UK and even go on TV to talk about it.

reproduction has been made illegal - but only for white men. nonwhites can continue to flood in by the millions and the job of white men is simply to pay taxes so these invaders can get welfare.

we are then told we need these immigrants because we “just aren’t having enough kids” and need immigration to avoid economic collapse due to aging population, since somebody has to work when all the white people ( who never had kids ) get old.

at the same time white people are told not to have kids because it’s bad for the planet.

so we are simultaneously told not to have kids and that the problem is we “just aren’t having kids any more” and the solution is immigration from nations that practice the very things we banned in the west …

whenever Israel wants a new war in the Middle East we go and bomb those countries because they have no human rights - then we import those people here - and allow them to continue to to practice the same thing for which we ostensibly bombed them over there …

we do this while literally saying " we fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here " …

anybody with a living brain should be able to figure out this is a 100% scam designed to accomplish 2 things:

1 - end the white race

2 - give Israel hegemony over the middle east


right now people have two choices:

1 - Vehemently Anti-White Progressivism
2 - Conservatism which mostly tries to avoid the issue of race, and when pressed on it says " democrats are the real racists ! "

what we need is people like Elon Musk who are interested in the future, not the past - but also who do not believe that the world would be better off without white people.

it is amazing but i literally cannot think of any other person like this. well, except myself that is.

although Elon Musk isn’t racist he has on several occasions spoken against White Genocide if not directly. he lamented the fact that Japanese people aren’t having children any more and also i believe he was critical of White Genocide in South Africa ( where he was born ).

Now there are no shortage of people who speak for White race, such as for example Candace Owens - but they are all Christian Conservatives - that’s the problem.

It’s the same as how Alex Jones was allowed to reveal many conspiracies because he had a Jewish Wife and always protected the Jews, and also because he agreed as a part of his act to always act deranged on purpose.

The way the system works is they allow some people to say some truths as long as they also mix it with some BS - so that there is never any person who is just right all the time about everything like me.

we are told it’s because people have different opinions - NO. these aren’t matters of opinion. when Alex Jones said that Hollywood is run by Arabs ( yes he said that ) or when he insisted that the Globalists are Nazis - that isn’t opinion. that is DISINFORMATION.

notice for example the only people to stand up to Jews are Kanye West and Candace Owens - but what do they both make the centerpiece of their platform ? BANNING PORN.

why ? because no sane person would accept this lunacy.

this way the Jews can say - see ? we allow opposition. it just so happens our opposition is literally the stupidest people on earth. pure coincidence. you Goyim should be lucky we rule you.

reality is there is not a single person who shares all of my political positions. is it because i am smarter than everybody else ? no, sadly i am not that smart. i am only smarter than 99% of white people which means there is about 10 million people smarter than me. but where are they ?

they have all found some niche that works for them. some party to join. some job. they don’t ask what is optimal - just what is “our side” supporting.

the problem is the Jews have divided everything up precisely so that all the sides are fucked.

Robert Greene says in his books " give your enemies options - all of them bad "

that’s what we have here. it is NOT a coincidence that every party and movement is unbelievably obtuse about something obvious. they are NOT ALLOWED to be right about everything, like i am.

it is the point of the system that different groups are allowed to be right about different things, but nobody is allowed to be right about everything - so they must all fight each other forever while the Jews rule all of them from above.

and of course when you point out the OBVIOUS things in which “our side” is wrong they of course tell you " whose side are you on ? pick a side ! "

they don’t understand that once you pick a side - you have already lost - no matter which side you picked.

you lose the moment you agree to play by the Jew rules.

the way conservatives get cred among their fellow dumb animals is by being the most conservative, which means the stupidest.

this is how you get people who unironically say " i am vaccinated by the blood of Jesus "

or people who call for the abolition of pornography

and of course liberals are the same - they have their own competition for who can be the most retarded and that’s how you get " kill all white men " and so on …

what we have is two sides who see each other as the enemy externally and internally are engaged in a competition for who is the biggest idiot … while both serving the Jews …

of course when they get into actual power they “compromise” by taking only the stupidest ideas of both sides … so republicans get their Wars for Israel and Democrats get their Mass Immigration …

this is the game the Jews invented for you to play same as how they run Basketball for Niggers to play and Boomers to watch …

the solution is for both sides to recognize the real issue is their own stupidity - not the stupidity of the other side.

yes the other side is stupid. but that’s for them to worry about, not you. your job is to worry about the stupidity of your own side.

if your side could get rid of its internal stupidity it would win, but the entire system is predicated on perpetual gridlock / stalemate where each side always is at exactly 50% of the vote. always. forever. no matter what. therefore each side must always one-up the stupidity of the other.

and so you have:

liberals: kill all white men, trans all boys, force vax all infants, open all borders.

conservatives: ban porn, ban prostitution, ban marijuana, ban tik-tok, ban everything made in china or Russia, force all school children to recite prayer in classroom.

common sense is NOT ALLOWED by either side.

and when i tell these idiots “you guys are same as the other side” they always reply with " what are you stupid ? we are LiTeRaLly tHe oPpOsiTe ! ! ! "

their rodent brains cannot comprehend that something can simultaneously be the same and the opposite in a space that has more than 1 dimension.

philosophically there is an infinite number of dimensions - but the average person is not allowed to consider more than one because they must believe in the absolutely artificial and fake Left-Right paradigm that is used to keep them enslaved.

isn’t it funny how US is pretty much the only country with a two party system yet all Americans seem to think that this one dimensional split is the foundation of all philosophy.

dumb. dumb animals.

i am not saying Elon Musk is the wonderful and brilliant person he claims to be. i believe he is a cynical stock manipulator, that most of the innovation at this companies is gimmicks and that of what little actual innovation there is - almost none of it is his - but rather is either responsibility of other companies like Mobileye, Nvidia etc. or brilliant young kids he hires and then works halfway to death for poverty wages

he tells them this is how you become somebody - by working yourself to death for peanuts because the cause is worth it. then when they start catching on to the scam he fires them all and hires a new class of “true believers”

so needless to say i am not an Elon Fanboy …

but rather out of all the people perceived as Based Right-Wingers Elon is the only one who is actually looking to the future - everybody else just wants to go back to “the good ole days”


we have to live in the world that exists, not the world that used to be

4K porn exists, artificial insemination exists, surrogate mothers exist

soon there will be AI porn, brain implants, sex robots and so on

we already have genetically engineered human babies but we act like we don’t. a doctor in china got into serious trouble for genetically engineering babies immune to AIDS so that HIV+ mother could safely give birth to them. when asked to explain himself his defense was that he “did not and would never use the technology to increase the IQ of children” … why would he say that ? LOL

our problem is that we stuck our head in the sand and act like these things aren’t happening and the “solution” our CONSERVATARDED leaders like Candace Owens have for us is to GO BACK TO JESUS, which translated into English means - go even further into denial than we already are - why yes, that will solve our problems !

our problems are CAUSED by being in denial. more of what caused the problem won’t solve it !

our problem is that all the innovation comes from our real masters ( WEF ) and all of the denial comes from the fake leaders we are given ( Candace Owens, Nick Fuentes etc. ) to lead us to the slaughter.

look i agree with Fuentes women voting didn’t work out for us. but the reason his message resonates with people is because people fundamentally believe we have been going in the wrong direction for a long time now and we should GO BACK.


thus ALL conservatives are FALSE PROPHETS.

we must ADAPT to new technology and HARNESS ITS POWER not try to ban it.

banning Tik Tok was the most pathetic thing that has happened in a while. have we learned nothing from Luddites attacking technology ? from Socrates drinking poison for corrupting the young ?

apparently we learned nothing from anything PERIOD.

as we approach technological singularity the “solution” from people like Candace Owens is to literally and unironically to go back to the Dark Ages and idiot kiddos on the Fediverse all worship the Unabomber for basically the same reason.

yes i also would like to age in reverse and go back to live in the womb.


we must face the future, not run away from it.