50 car pileup in Ohio

And you still don’t seem to understand the very basic argument I am making. I am not against cars. I don’t hate cars. I don’t want to ban cars. I don’t care who owns one.

People choose to use cars and depend on them because we have built our cities in such a way that using a car is the only logical choice. They are opting for cars because everything was built that way, not the other way around.

Basically everywhere in America, you have to use a car to get anywhere. It is a necessity to participate in society and basically to live.

Our country was not designed sensibly and efficiently. Everything was spread out just so that we would need cars to do literally anything.

This might not be obvious to you because you have only lived in places that were built before all of this madness, so the experience of living in a typical American city and the absurdity of the degree to which cars are involved in your daily life may not have sunk in for you. You talk about it like it’s a convenience. For the average American it is more like a vital organ. There is no other option. And there is no other option only because we made it the sole option.

The logic that allows you to look at all of the malicious actors subverting our culture and government and come to the simple conclusion that “It’s the Jews” is the same logic that allows you to look at the dysfunction of our infrastructure and come to the simple conclusion that it’s the “It’s the cars.” All you have to do is think about the issue in a logical way and not care if you agree with Klaus Schwab.

I think its always been the case to be quite honest, a little bit of rain in miami and people drive like fucking idiots, same thing with snow in NY … although probably only getting worse with every generation as we are continuing the dumbing down :wink:

i know your argument only too well. i already explained to you that i have been following and engaging actual professionals who do city planning for a living. i almost certainly could argue your own viewpoint better than you can.

about 15 years ago i watched a documentary about “Peak Oil” that prophesied that the world will have run out of oil by now … you know, same as how the polar ice caps have melted, we all died from Covid and so on … Obviously it was a lie but that’s how long i have been thinking about car dependency.

I don’t remember what that bullshit old “documentary” ( shit-lib propaganda ) was called, but here is a good recent documentary you might enjoy, that is also anti-oil but is actually from somebody i respect:

Pay no attention to low view count and recent upload date - it’s a re-upload. I watched the original probably 2 or 3 years ago, but apparently the channel was wiped by YouTube.

Among other things it talks about how oil and car companies paid off politicians to build roads and scrap trains and public transit and so on. See ? I can turn your own perspective into a hot conspiracy take if i want to.

Certainly stupidity and corruption can go both ways. As i said i disagree with the way most streets in America lack sidewalks. I agree with you that a lot of city planning from certain era is car-dependent in a way that is somewhat atrocious. If your car breaks down you shouldn’t have to become stranded until someone rescues you unless you are in the wilderness. I have seen children walk on the side of a fairly high speed road with no sidewalk and i was tempted to give them a ride but i didn’t want to be accused of being some kind of a predator. children shouldn’t have to walk down the side of essentially a highway simply because there is nowhere else for them to go.

but on the other hand i believe that since we do have cars we should take advantage of them. mass transit, bicycles and walking should serve as backup. the problem with many areas in US is that there is no backup at all. i disagree with that. same as how i disagree with US cities not having public restrooms.

the problem is that Liberals / Progressives aren’t in favor of having a robust backup for people who may have car trouble. they want to REPLACE cars. i’m all in favor of wildlife overpasses, pedestrian overpasses, sidewalks, bike lanes and all that …

but that’s not what Liberals want. they want CAR FREE CITIES.

and i agree with that too ! i think cars don’t work in cities ! if they did i would still be living in a city !

i just want shit-libs to let me keep my car in the suburbs. but they won’t let me. they will find a way to screw with me somehow. they always do.

just like Rockefeller supposedly had Trams removed from American Cities now Pete Buttigieg is removing ROADS for being racist. we as a society are not capable of doing anything rationally. we can only go from atrocity to reverse atrocity.

shit-libs lie and talk about how they believe in “Multi-Modal” transportation but that’s not what they believe in at all. I am the one who believes in “Multi-Model” transportation. i believe in cars, buses, subway, bicycles and pedestrians co-existing with people being able to choose what works for them.

on the other hand the elites believe in flying privately and banning cars for everybody else, and brain-dead shit-libs like that zombie woman screaming at an ambulance simply regurgitate the talking points fed to them by the elites … this woman is the western equivalent of Jihadists beheading people because of something written in the Koran only instead of Koran it was some Netflix “documentary” …

the elites will never ask you " would you like us to ban you from driving ? " instead they will ask " would you like to have more bike lanes, more parks, safer cities, cleaner air, more sustainable and competitive economy etc " and you will be like OF COURSE ! and they will be like " congratulations your car is banned " …

you people are just getting old :wink:

soon you will be screaming at kids to turn down the music.


I have lived in New York City before. Moving out of that shithole was the best decision of my life. I agree that it’s one of the most anti-human places one can possibly live. It’s a giant concrete hellscape that’s completely removed from nature and filled with the worst scum of humanity. There is no way to live there and be happy.

A fun way to see New York for what it is is to enter the city from the north. You will drive through beautiful mountains and forests and quaint villages with charming character and friendly White people. It’s very lovely. Then you get into New York and all of the nature is gone; you can see that the area used to be a forest and they cut all of it down. The buildings become ugly and the atmosphere brutalist. People are ugly and freakish looking and there are brown people and Black people everywhere. Everyone is rude or annoying and always in a hurry. Everything smells. There are constant loud annoying noises. There is trash everywhere.

It’s like driving into the pit of hell.

Yeah New York City sucks, but like I said it’s one of a kind. It isn’t representative of American cities or America at all. It is its own thing.

Another thing about New York and the people who live there is that they think they are living in the center of the world and that everyone who isn’t from New York pays attention to what goes on there and is jealous of them for getting to live there.

When you move out of that shithole you realize that nobody outside of New York gives the slightest fuck about New York. All of that bullcrap you endured while living there was for nothing. It just made you into an asshole like the people in New York. They are living well-adjusted happy low-stress lives in comparison to your misery there, and they aren’t impressed by your knowledge of the city or the fact that you know all the places to go or how to get around on the Subway or any of that.

People move there thinking it’s going to be the thrill of their life and envy of their friends and move out realizing it was just a total waste of time. They are usually broke after it all too.

most people who live in NYC have never lived anywhere nice. they only ever lived in NYC and some 3rd world shithole that they came from. once you have spent any time, even just one day, in some nice place like Beverly Hills you will have a hard time coming back to NYC and not wondering WTF am i doing here ? Why do i have to look at trash, homeless people and graffiti covered steel storefront curtains instead of flowers and palm trees ?

yep. Chicago is the same way. also LA. probably any inner city of a large metro.

when i came to NYC, riding a car from JFK airport at night and looking at dark empty streets and shuttered storefronts covered with steel curtains with graffiti sprayed over them, and subway tracks overhead i honestly felt like i landed in some kind of dystopia from Terminator movie …

by comparison Kiev was like one giant park, like living in Disneyland …

later when i worked in Manhattan one thing i could never understand is women in business suits always running somewhere … i was like WTF is going on ?

even later i was seeing a shrink and the same women in business suits were also seeing him … for their amphetamine prescriptions … they were literally sitting there in the waiting room with their iPads and happily chat about all the drugs they’re getting …

between businesswomen on adderall always running in high heels, the prostitutes, the homeless, the negroes, the immigrants, guys on steroids, crazy old ladies … you kind of start to take insanity for granted, as if that’s how things are supposed to be.

until you move out into a nice suburb where it’s just normal white families raising happy, well adjusted children and you’re like - so i wasn’t being judgemental - that place really was every bit the shithole it seemed. those people really are completely fucked.

that’s where you’re wrong. every major city is like that at the center. whether it is London or Paris or NY or LA or Chicago etc …

yeah i was really shocked to move to Silicon Valley for a year and realize that there is literally a wildlife refuge right between Google and NASA. i biked there for cardio every single day. in NYC it’s just dumpsters and stench and homeless. it was then that i started to doubt that civilization was really about having the tallest buildings.

eventually i realized that humanity was entirely on the wrong track with urbanization.

when you watch Tarkovsky’s Solaris:

this theme is very strong in the movie. almost the entire message of the movie is that Humanity has gone off the rails and moving in the wrong direction. we don’t need taller buildings. we need a nice quiet house by the lake.

well i never chose to move to NYC - i was brought there by my parents. but i did work with a girl from Delaware who said it was her dream to live in NYC. but it’s different for girls. they are addicted to having guys look at them and in NYC a pretty girl will have 10 guys looking at her at any given time. i suppose for a pretty young girl walking down a NYC street in a short skirt is like watching porn for me. I get instant gratification by fapping and she gets instant validation by seeing guys stare at her.

well that was a while ago, now they can just be on Instagram or TikTok for same effect, without the need to live in a closet sized apartment or have room mates.

what makes NYC unique ?

1 - extreme population size
2 - extreme population density
3 - extreme diversity ( immigration hub )

that’s it. any other city meeting the same requirements will look the same.

furthermore those 3 things are closely related.

what you don’t realize is that car-dependent low-density suburb is literally the anti-thesis of this.

you think you can pick and choose the parts you like and the parts you don’t - but you can’t.

it’s 100% car dependence ( Beverly Hills ) on one end and NYC on the other and everything else is simply somewhere on the spectrum.

you fail to see how everything is connected. how poverty, degeneracy and density always go hand in hand.

you think you can have beautiful nature and walkable neighborhoods at the same time … think harder.

walkable neighborhoods means high density, which means homeless people, garbage everywhere, stench, sky completely blocked by buildings …

meanwhile beautiful picturesque countryside necessarily means low density, which in turns mean NOT walkable …

You keep saying that we need Jesus.

What we actually need is Cars.

It isn’t guns or the constitution or Jesus that make America worth living in.

it’s the cars.

Some day when cars are gone and we’re all in Hell you will remember my words.

But it will be too late by then.

Cars are the magic that allows America to combine the traditional low-density close-to-nature way of life of our ancestors with benefits of civilization such as office buildings, shopping malls etc …

There has never been anything like that anywhere else in the world and never will be - it was a one-time MIRACLE that has happened in America and the Elites are LIVID that it was allowed to happen and are determined to crush it

America is the only place where you can play with your dog and kids in your backyard and then work for a top global corporation in the same day … and it is only made possible by cars and long commutes …

People don’t live this way in Russia, China or Europe. In those places you either live in the city or countryside. If you live in the city you don’t have a backyard and if you live in the countryside you’re a farmer.

Only in US can you have a good office job while living in the countryside and only Cars enable this.

doesn’t mean you need to drive all the way to the office.

you can drive to just the train station and take the train to the office.

in other words there should be an urban and suburban areas with the urban core being geared towards mass transit and the suburbs towards cars.

poor people will live in the city in closet-sized apartments or sleeping pods. and rich people will live in the suburbs.

rich people living in walkable neighborhoods is nonsense. these fucks live on private islands only reachable by private jets. do you really think they would live any place you can just walk up to their house and say hello to them because you’re bored ?

Martha’s vineyard is an island with their own Airport. Beverly Hills is mountains. Do you think these are coincidences ?

People of means live in the most remote, hardest to reach areas.

In the movie “Ex Machina”

the Genius Tech Billionaire lives in Alaska or Canada on a private lot that is hundreds of miles across and the entire building is underground because of how much value he places on privacy.

This echoes the themes from Solaris …

You think i come up with all these conspiracy theories because i want to have the hot take on every subject …

Well obviously if i share something it is a hot take otherwise why would i waste everybody’s time simply regurgitating mainstream propaganda ?

But my world view is based on objective analysis. If my analysis concludes that what i was told is in fact the case and not a lie then i simply don’t talk about it because there is nothing to talk about in that particular case.

It only appears as if i constantly make fantastic shit up because i’m so much smarter than everybody else and my ideas are so much more interesting than everybody else’s. But they’re nothing more than cold, hard reality. I don’t really have any ideas at all. I am simply explaining how the world actually works whereas everybody else is living in the dream world so when i describe reality to them it sounds fantastic.

you are still unable to grasp what a genius i really am. otherwise you would understand that i don’t need to make shit up because when somebody is on my level they live in a completely different universe from everybody else so simply describing the world that i live in sounds as if i’m describing a trip from another dimension.

this dimension isn’t insanity - it is SUPER SANITY.

I agree but Im also curious as to what will come from those UAE projects like that desert city, Basically idiotic location aside, its interesting whats possible when money is no object and you design and engineer MODERN city from scratch.

Lol the suburbs are not the countryside. The countryside closest to New York City is like two hours away. Hardly anyone is making that commute.

The suburbs, and by extention most American cities built after World War II, are just a giant wasteland of highways, parking lots, shopping malls, big box stores, empty plots of land, etc. The nice ones have parks and nature reserves. You’re not driving through the idyllic countryside when you get in your car and make the miles-long drive from point A to point B that punctuates your daily life in one of these places. You’re driving through an environment that’s as lifeless and anti-human as the concrete jungle of New York City.

By the way the only reason White people moved out to the suburbs was to get away from the Blacks that had moved into the cities. It wasn’t about some fanciful dream of living the perfect life. The reason Europe and Asia don’t have suburbs like is because they don’t have the Black problem that we have.

You seem to think that the only options are living in the countryside or living in some dense city. Living in the suburbs is actually worse than either of these (with the exception of New York City, which as I say is one of a kind and truly hellish; San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Portland as well) . Life in the suburbs of America is the most soulless existentially nightmarish life one can have.

Bloomberg recently tweeted about this:


But i don’t buy their excuses.

China has built 600 new cities since 1949 but we can’t even build one for some reason. It’s kind of like Israel can have a wall but we can’t.

Yes some of those Chinese cities are empty - so fucking what ? I don’t know what percentage is empty but even if it’s half of them it’s still a better deal IMO than what is happening in places like NYC where people are fighting over inches and where there aren’t any gas stations left in Manhattan because they can’t afford the cost of land.

If it was me i would perhaps take half of the rent from the most expensive real estate markets like NYC as tax and use it to build new cities.

but that will never happen because they WANT people living packed like sardines.

sure you can design and build heaven on earth - but how will that benefit the elites ? it won’t.

so it won’t happen.

instead they will simply take existing cities … and ban cars.

fair enough, but at least you get fresh air in the suburbs, low crime, and most importantly you can live there without constantly wanting to kill yourself.

yes but you don’t LIVE in the Costco parking lot - you just park your car there ONCE A WEEK.

you live in a house and play with your kids and dog in the backyard.

we have that stuff here, but don’t need it because most people have a nice enough view from just their window.

well Garden State Parkway in South Jersey is pretty much just trees on both sides, so is the 195. So is the main road around where i am. But yeah if you take US9 or worse US1 it’s just parking lots, big box stores and strip malls.

with US1 it’s also worse than with US9 because it is very straight so there are no turns to distract you from all the urbanization. at least US9 curves a bit so you have to pay attention to driving.

roads in Long Island are more picturesque but you can never go faster than about 3 mph on them in rush hour traffic.

i wish there were more roads like Garden State parkway but it’s a paid toll road and it doesn’t have anything on it. as disgusting as something like US1 is it’s free and it has the shops that people actually want to go to.

disagree. that’s why people move out of cities TODAY but it wasn’t why they did it after WW2.

back then they did it to start families because you can’t do that by renting a room in the city plus gas was dirt cheap then and so was heating oil etc.

oh believe me Europe has a problem. where we in America have blacks ( home grown ) and Mexicans they have Africans ( immigrants ) and Muslims.

but they can’t move out to suburbs because their gas is twice as expensive as ours and same for all their other expenses like heating and electricity while their incomes aren’t any higher.

they were simply impoverished by socialism to the point where they can’t afford to move out. and soon we will be as well. and you’re cheering for this without realizing it.

not at all. you have peace, quiet and privacy when you want it. and when you don’t you can go to the gym or pool or diner or park or library or wherever you want and meet people. or if you get really desperate for human contact you can go to the city and hit up some night club. then when you get tired of it you come back and enjoy peace and quiet again.

and besides, if you’re in the suburbs you’re supposed to be married with children and have a dog. how is that existential nightmare ?

cities are for homeless, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, college kids and homosexuals.

you’re trying to make it out as if this is the view i have in my window:

when it’s actually a bunch of grass and trees with birds, squirrels and occasional deer.

the image above is actually from Pennsylvania so not far from here and a lot of places around here do look like that Pennsylvania rest stop but even when i’m there i’m not actually there - i’m in the car where i have my own climate, my own music, maybe some company that * I * have chosen for myself.

by comparison when you’re on NYC train you don’t get to choose the color of the seats, or whether you will even be able to sit, nor what music is playing, nor who you’re riding with. you just have to endure the smell and the noise and hope you don’t get killed.

you have fallen into an intellectual trap where your hatred of the boomers is causing you to reject the very thing that makes America unique and great.

your posts here are motivated by memes such as this:

it’s a MEME bro. you can do better than dump GAB / reddit memes on me, can’t you ?

this isn’t GAB. we’re supposed to be THIKING here not meme-ing.

that’s a picture of Katy freeway in Texas by the way.

people are moving TO Texas, not from it, if you haven’t noticed …

it’s the same as how they bitch about global WARMING but everybody is moving SOUTH not north …

it’s almost like it’s all BULLSHIT MEMES.

anyway we can improve the situation with dehumanizing commutes by keeping things more local …

indeed commuting 100 miles every day is not ideal …

we can also make the roads less dehumanizing …

but we must have roads … and cars.

without cars things will get INFINITELY worse.

Or we can just be honest and kill off 50-80% of population :wink: