Progressive Electronic

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i haven’t tried to research this but apparently sierra is a woman, which if true is a little disturbing.

i once talked to a girl on Twitter who was a coder for Google - i told her she was hot. i didn’t realize she was a tranny.

she told me to stop talking to her after i revealed that i was black pill.

whenever a woman shows signs of intelligence i always wonder if she is a tranny, a lesbian or what is wrong with her ?

I believe Nietzsche said that a woman devoted to study has disordered sexual desire. Can’t find the quote.

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he was probably talking about this hoe he was after:

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I read the wiki.
She burned a big old hole in his heart.

She had an army of beta orbiters but had sex with the alphas.
Or, to put it another way, she had one set of men to stimulate her brain, and another set to stimulate her loins.

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she’s a legend - a sort of a female version of Kasanova

i think even Lolita’s’ character is partially inspired by her …

Totally forgot about Salome – she was like a more successful version of that other extremely toxic chick from the Greene books.

The funniest part about her affair with Nietzsche was he asked to marry her and she was like " wait - you’re the taboo-breaking guy and you want to get fkn married ? What’s wrong with you ! "

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yeah … Robert Greene’s books still the only ones in my experience that are worth reading … of course i haven’t actually read any books so it’s a limited experience admittedly …

i would like to do “Art of War” next maybe …

“The Prince” seems to simply glorify evil without teaching any strategies … i mean, obviously i haven’t read it either …

of course to have power one must let go of morality … but it’s not enough … morality ties your hands behind your back but even when they are untied you still need to know what to do with them …

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very nice.

they should have added a seizure warning to that video though !

is that what it’s like to believe in G_d ?

living in terror that he is reading your thoughts and not approving ?

meanwhile G_d’s chosen people are literally mass murdering children with reckless abandon …

anyway IMHO the track takes itself a bit too seriously IMO and tries too hard to have a certain effect rather than focusing on perfecting execution …

i mean it says it’s “Body Music” … so do people come to club to move their body or to crouch in fear ?

you are of course allowed to have your own perspective both on religion and on music, i’m just sharing mine :slight_smile:

i wonder if this style of music has a name … there is Halloween Music but it’s not nearly this gloomy. this would be too gloomy for a funeral to be honest. i know it makes no sense that i should be saying that considering i am against happy music. i guess anything taken to extreme is not healthy ?

we are supposed to experience a range of emotions just like TV picture should be able to display colors from pitch black to blinding white and every color in the middle. either staring into a flashlight or gouging our your own eyes is not healthy.

i have no idea what i’m talking about LOL

maybe it’s just that i listened to it when i was in a good mood …

i’m not often in a good mood but that’s typically when i listen though …

i don’t listen after winning the lottery type of “good mood” but rather either in the gym or after jerking off to porn … so it’s not a happy mood but a positive mood …

shit … “Black Pill” is trashing a track for not being positive enough …

i’m sorry LOL

anyway as i said i look for execution quality first and style / genre second. and this track thought they can get away with mediocre execution because they are going to go so bad-ass with being super-dark and shit that nobody will notice …


he he he

to be honest when i see over-the-top “bad ass” trying too hard album art on Spotify i skip the track without listening … like if there are people dismembered with chainsaws or worshipping the devil type stuff - i just skip it …

it’s just too cheesy …

if they go so hard after style there is just not much chance they have much substance otherwise they wouldn’t need to do it …

it’s like Tesla cars or Apple computers - style over substance - obviously i boycott that too

anyway keep posting tracks. you are even allowed to disagree with my analysis of them LOL

was just reflecting on what scum my parents are and what garbage people are in general and realized i’m not keeping a sense of perspective here …

if you deserve to be chastised as i chastised you for a track that sounds cheesy then the average person deserves to be beaten senseless and my parents stuffed into wood chipper alive …

but i’m not doing those things to average people or my parents so i’m treating you unfairly …

the problem is i can’t betray my own identity which is ruthlessly uncompromising in calling a spade a spade so i will listen again and see if i can come up with a less negative analysis …

OK so there is actually a way for me to accept this track as good, even great, but you probably won’t like it …

the graphic with the “scary” skull threw me off, and made me interpret the track as if the narrator is talking too me and trying to intimidate me … but, that skull isn’t even the official album art, here is the official video:

admittedly, not very different …

however let’s assume that the Video doesn’t exist and judge the track on its own…

we can then interpret the narrator as being me and threatening somebody else … then everything changes … then suddenly i can enjoy the track …

basically if the track is about me going to Hell then i can only laugh at that, because i’m already in hell …

but if it’s about me stuffing people into the wood chipper then suddenly it’s great :slight_smile:

wait, they have an official explanation:

Essenger’s cyberpunk saga continues with Divine Virus, a sinister fusion of earth-shattering midtempo bass and mechanical metal. The sacred A.I. has arrived to pass judgment on humankind. Will you be deemed worthy of digital utopia, or is it already too late?

Fuck … so my original interpretation was correct.

whatever! it’s their wishful thinking. i am the real G_dlike intelligence who passes judgement on others, they can suck my dick LOL

there, with a bit of creativity i fixed this track.


Relax…it is your site…you can express your opinion.

bad album art can ruin a good track …

visual information takes precedence in the brain …

if you read the word “blue” written in red letters you will probably remember “blue” not red.

sometimes i post just the audio track even when official video is available because i deem that it detracts from the audio …

they have an instrumental version as well:

seems like they figured out there is an issue with that whole “we’re going to send you to hell” vibe …

now if we look at the unencumbered by politics instrumental version above, i like the atmospheric / melodic elements - they are well done. the bassline is so-so, the sound has a rich tone but it’s not very interesting. things get worse for bass kick which both sounds weak and flat and has no variation to it and is obviously an afterthought.

so if we break it down completely arbitrarily by elements which i will define as Lyrics, Vocals, Melody / Atmospherics, Bassline, Kick i would rate it as follows on a 5 star scale:

Lyrics - 2
Vocals - 3
Melody / Atmospherics - 4.5
Bassline - 3
Kick - 2

for a grand total score of 3 out of 5.

basically it has some things going for it but it’s not a complete package. few tracks are, of course.

an astute observer might even point out that most of my tracks have no melody at all he he he …

to which i would argue that it’s OK to skip certain elements completely, but it’s not OK to do them poorly …

so for example i would rather have a girl with no legs than a girl with ugly feet.

all right time to stop LOL