Let's see what / who got me suspended from Twitter for 7 days this time

Good point re Elon and trolling. Also if you are in a such a giving mood maybe should unblock my twitter so it just easier to follow :slight_smile:

i canā€™t because you know me.

itā€™s a privacy issue.

fair enough.

Thank you @Dissident for leading the way by unbanning me. It seems Elon Musk saw what you did and unbanned @kanyewest from Twitter.

YE24 is back on the menu!

one day after i get permanently suspended Ye gets reinstated.

FFS ā€¦

they made him delete all his Jew tweets though.

which is kind of important.

the person they let back on Twitter isnā€™t the one they suspended ā€¦

but only his empty husk ā€¦

Elon is always playing games like this. Hate that shit. Fuck Elon and fuck Tesla.

Donā€™t talk about Jews on Twitter and donā€™t talk about cars here. I donā€™t like these rules, but they are what they are.

yes indeed you shouldnā€™t talk about cars here.

at least until you understand all my writings on the subject.